Topic: W: R/G Tron H: Tradelist

Title says it all! smile
Note: I'm mainly looking for the value cards. Also, only Vault Groves, please.

Re: W: R/G Tron H: Tradelist

I have the full deck minus Groves of the Burnwillows and 2 Karns, for trade.

Re: W: R/G Tron H: Tradelist

Here's a pretty solid deck list:

Grove of the Burnwillows (FTV)
Eye of Ugin
Emrakul (PACK ONLY)
Karn Liberated
Wurmcoil Engine (PACK ONLY)
Oblivion Stone

Re: W: R/G Tron H: Tradelist


Re: W: R/G Tron H: Tradelist

I'm interested in a bunch of your stuff, big and small! Let me know if you're interested in anything:)

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Re: W: R/G Tron H: Tradelist
