Topic: H: Innistrad Duals, 23x DGM Promo Plains | W: Shocks/Etc.

I'd like to move the following -

23x Dragon's Maze Pre-Release Plains (TCG has them at $3.5, I'll do $2.5 per if trading 10+)
2x Hinterland Harbor
1x Isolated Chapel
3x Sulfur Falls

I'll take staples from any format.   Standard stuff I'd prefer - Shocks, Deathrites, Abrupt Decays, Jace, AOT, Lotleth Troll

Thanks smile


Last edited by arsonisfun (2013-05-28 01:20:06)

Re: H: Innistrad Duals, 23x DGM Promo Plains | W: Shocks/Etc.

arsonisfun wrote:

I'd like to move the following -

23x Dragon's Maze Pre-Release Plains (TCG has them at $3.5, I'll do $2.5 per if trading 10+)
2x Hinterland Harbor
1x Isolated Chapel
3x Sulfur Falls

I'll take staples from any format.   Standard stuff I'd prefer - Shocks, Deathrites, Abrupt Decays, Jace, AOT, Lotleth Troll

Thanks smile


Heads up on those plains, tcg is probably overpricing. They show up regularly on ebay for 2-2.5 if you buy a set of 4-8.