Topic: [H] Voice of resurgence [W] Money or Decent Trades

I have a single copy of voice, Im looking only for cash, no paypal. as scetchy as that seems I'm selling for a friend.

I will not send first
please leave offers here.
please do not go off my tradelist.

Best of luck to everyone in their trades,


Re: [H] Voice of resurgence [W] Money or Decent Trades


Re: [H] Voice of resurgence [W] Money or Decent Trades

I hate to say it but your going to be hard pressed to find a buyer that will send cash and have no way to get a receipt that the cash was sent and recieved in the right amount. Also not having a ton Refs on here doesnt really work in your favor with the whole not sending first part although I understand your reasoning.

You might be better off involving a Mod with both parties agreeing to send to the Mod and then having the Mod shipping both their respective ways so long as it checks out. It will take alittle long but ideally be safer for both parties.

Re: [H] Voice of resurgence [W] Money or Decent Trades

True , ill look into whether or not the person I'
m trading it for will do paypal, then just have me pay them. that also might work

Re: [H] Voice of resurgence [W] Money or Decent Trades

There's always Paypal gift payments (cost zero as long as its a bank to bank payment).  The buyer still has basically no recourse as far as Paypal is concerned.  But at least they will have proof that a transaction occurred.