Topic: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

I just got the following MM cards:

1x Doubling Season
1x Bridge from Below
1x FOIL Glimmervoid
1x Summoner's Pact
1x Divinity of Pride
1x Chalice of the Void
1x Eternal Witness

I am looking for the following shocklands to finish my playsets:

1x Temple Garden
1x Stomping Ground
1x Blood Crypt
1x Breeding Pool

Please take a look at my profile, trade list and inventory. I would really like to get a hold of these shocks before M14 if possible!

Thanks smile

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

Just a reminder, this trader has a history of disappearing for lengths of time ^_^

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

Wow, thank you for the amazingly constructive response!:)(:^_^:)(:!
Did you get your e-police points for the day?
Or was your rating, which is open to anyone, not enough for you?
Not saying I didn't deserve it, because I do, but that's the point of recording feedback.

But yeah... feel free to open a trade and ignore constable troll.

Last edited by Nildayan (2013-07-01 17:49:32)

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

Responses like that do not invoke confidence...

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

Yeah I was going to ask if your dispute was ever resolved, I remembered him asking where you were out here. I take it he eventually got his cards?

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

Nope. I would have had the trade fixed if I had smile

Just raising awareness, since some people don't check these things.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

So the trade never went through?

No cards lost though?

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

No cards were shipped in either direction.
I'm not refuting the negative feedback, I get that.
Nor am I attempting to invoke confidence.
My life went to shit for a good long period of time and I was unable to do many things,
trading cards was the least of my worries and I am sorry that our trade fell through.

However, I still believe that it is unnecessary to doggedly remind people of a mistake.
If you want to raise awareness, try prostate cancer.

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

I left neutral feedback. Negative was from another trader, not myself. Had I have shipped cards and never received any, it would be different. That's why there was not a BTR filed etc.

Perhaps if there was *any* attempt on Nildayan's part to make things right since he *was* active on deckbox that entire time, it might be different. (The ability to see if someone has read your messages in a trade window is such a wonderful thing)

Either way I'm done with it.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Just pulled some MM, looking for shocks!

Neutral feedback score, yes. Your actual feedback wasn't as much. (A great injury apparently, as months later you return)
I'd forgotten that Deckbox lets you know when I actually read things.
Hyperbole aside, your assertion is inherently flawed as I was not active at that time in any practical sense.
Capable of visiting a website and clicking on trades to clear new messages, sure.
The ability to physically even come into contact with my cards, not so much.
I *truly* am sorry I was unable to make that trade.
I'll admit, I was too ashamed to even give you the time of day with a response and I distinctly remember finally reading your messages and not feeling too great.

I only say these things because it seems I'm having to defend a reputation that I'd rather not have to.
My only qualm is that you made it so personal. The trade history is a system somebody came up with for an intended function, say, accountability.
Do you find it necessary to supersede its programmed functionality? Are your typed words needing to be repeated for clarity?

Sure, a warning to all would-be traders. Beware; here lies the infamously renowned Nil.
Cool. But I'd prefer if a bot or a mod did it, and for everyone. Your comment has the ever so slight taste of ego.

But either way is right. This is cresting to the absurd and is reminding me too much of mainland Reddit.
I wonder if this entire thread can be nuked as I'm really only interested in trading.
Something would have to happen when I'm so close -_-.