Topic: H: Voice W: Offers

Voice of Resurgence....go crazy.


Re: H: Voice W: Offers

Would you take
1 Æther vial (darksteel)
1 Grave Titan
2 Vedalken Shackles (MM)
2 Kessig Wolf Run

Otherwise see tradelist

Re: H: Voice W: Offers

I will have to pass on that list....maybe offers is to broad.

I'm working on a Red, Black, Green EDH deck which revolves around sacrificing creatures

Re: H: Voice W: Offers

I have things on your wishlist, check it out

Re: H: Voice W: Offers

Thanks for the reply Prismcell. My initial offer was just working from your wishlist. What would you like to get for it? I have b/g lands (RTR and INN). Let me know and I will prepare another offer.