Topic: Refining my American control

Okay, I'm relatively new to the game(I've posted here before for deck help), and after lots of fiddling with different color types and play styles I'm pretty sure an American control deck is what I want to put together. I'm looking to build something cost effective that will hopefully place at my local FNM and tournaments my local store might hold(If I decided to ever take it to larger tournaments I would shell out the cash for a more competitive deck). Here's what I've got so far, and yes I am aware it's 86 cards. Whittling it down to 60 is one of the things I need help with.

The dynamic I'm going for is to have pretty solid control over the board and make it super hard/annoying on my opponent to do much of any thing by countering, removing creatures, and milling his deck down. I know decks build around mill, but in my mind I see it as another way of controlling the game. Unless they're reanimator, cards in graveyard aren't helping them(and I could stop that by sideboarding Rest in Peace).

Win-con: Plan A is Aetherling, Plan B is mill my opponent(Tome Scour removes 20, and Jace could do the rest).

So now I need help figuring out the 26 instants I don't need because as I look through the list I'm having trouble working out what really fits, what is worth it, and what isn't.

Also, I'm sure there's cards in Innistrad/M13 that I SHOULD run, but I started in RtR and with Theros so close I have trouble justifying the purchase of cards about to cycle out. Also, I know Sphinx's Revelation would be good for this deck, but for where I want to play it, I can't justify spending $25/card.


Re: Refining my American control

Well, for the deck you have constructed. 

Silence, tome scour, and disperse can go.  You don't need any of these imo.  Azourius charm does the same thing (and more) as disperse.  Silence is just a worse counter spell and tome scour is completely unnecessary with jace.  all you have to do is activate jace a few times to mill them out.  I don't think I like volcanic gyser, the fact that it's instant makes it mildly playable, but you're looking at committing a lot of mana to this spell. 4 for a 2/2 minimum.  Seems to me war leaders helix is just better and give you life (maybe x4 since you don't have the sphinx revs).  I'd still play at least a couple augers, maybe 4, since you don't have the snaps (I realize it's m13, but they are just uncommon). Pacifism is okay, i'd rather see detention sphere or oblivion ring though. Dissipate and syncopate are must haves imo, you need to be able to exile the cards you counter, scavenging ooze, unburial rites, varolz... etc... there's just too much ability to gave value out of the grave yard.  Same thing for pillar of flame over shock.

As far as cards you need.  I wouldn't take this to tournament beyond FNM without these minimum cards. Some are repeats from above. 2 sphinx's (i know sphinx's are expensive, but you just can't replace them and it works in the deck. They're also standard legal for the next 14 months minimum), 4 supreme verdicts, 4 think twice (rotating or not it's a common,divination is not a replacement for this instant), 1-2 Syncopate, 2-3 Dissipate. 3 Pillar of flame (another common). 2 mizzium mortars (cheap one shot 4 damage, potential for another sweeper). 4 Sacred foundry.  2 of each of the checklands, clifftop retreat, sulfur falls, glacial fortress.  2 Warleaders Helix ).  I'd like to see a tamiyo as well.  She's such a house... made of brick even. I'd hesitate to take it to an FNM (depending on how competitive your area is) without these changes either. 

That being said Tywoo on here, posted a link to a woo-brew on channel fireball.  It's not my taste and I think I'd prefer to take the American control over it, but it's significantly lower in cost. Snaps can be replace with augers in a pinch. … -budgeted/

Re: Refining my American control

Thanks for the input!

I can definitely see why sending everything to the graveyard can be bad, but do I need to run exile counters main deck? I figured I could just sideboard a play set of Rest in Peace, so when I do play one of those graveyard dependent decks I can shut it down.

I wasn't looking at silence as a counter spell. The way I was viewing silence was, to up my tempo. That super fast aggro deck isn't worth anything if I silence them the first two turns (and then maybe have to discard a card or two since they can only play lands).

I haven't paid enough attention to the competitiveness of my local FNM because I'm usually drafting, but the overall mood I get at any Magic event is laid back, not super competitive. I might also wind up picking up a Sphinx or two. I've got a few expensive cards I'm trying to figure out how best to get rid of, so that would give me some ability to purchase the more expensive cards I need.

Re: Refining my American control

I would run a couple dissipates/syncopates main deck and rest in peace in the side.  They're perfectly good counters with the benefit of exiling... It's win/win for any control deck these days.

So, it's turn 4 on your opponents turn he doesn't have any spells to play he played a land he drew, your aggro opponent has a full board of 2/2 3/3s. Lets say 5 of them, swinging for game this turn, if you can kill any of those creatures you stabilize and play supreme verdict next turn.  The other card in your hand is silence.  You lose.  The thing about cards like silence is they're good early against aggro and maybe good later against control or midrange, but searing spear is always good. any removal at any point during that game would have helped you stabilize to cast supreme verdict turn 4.   I don't see how your argument for silence holds water in that case. 

See if you can work with someone at the store if you have friends/people you trust that might loan you the cards.  Thats a way to play with it also before you make the investment.

Re: Refining my American control

Yeah, I know a couple of the guys at my local store, all super knowledgeable. I think one is even a trained judge, so I'd DEFINITELY show them the deck before anything to find out if it even has a chance.

Silence- Touché