Topic: W: Remand, M. Clique, F. Conclave, ... H: Trade in your favor

I'm looking to finish out Modern Faeries. I only need a few more cards. I'm also looking for a few other cards for a new deck. Please hit me up with some trades. I'm willing to trade in your favor for my top priority needs. I'm also willing to do partial or full paypal. Also, if you have anything on my wishlist or want anything on my tradelist. Hit me up. I'll take most stuff from Modern Masters even if it's not on my list. Thanks!

3x Remand
2x Mistbind Clique
2x Faerie Conclave
1x Steelshaper's Gift (will take up to 4x)
4x Blade Splicer
2x Trinket Mage

Note: Set and condition are important to me.
