Topic: Colorless deck.

How is the deck so far?

Play style: 7 card style
Players: Three including myself.
Casual play.

(Link removed.)

Update: I wasn't liking my old colorless build so I've built one I think will work better. Comments are welcome. This one you have the ability to throw down some huge creatures right from the start provided you get a Torpor Orb out there and even if you don't there are plenty of other meat shield type creatures you can put out to defend you till you come across one.

Last edited by Pickled_Fetus (2013-08-31 23:40:06)

Re: Colorless deck.

Why not run the Urza lands?

Re: Colorless deck.

timesnewspartan wrote:

Why not run the Urza lands?

I didn't know about them. But I added them now. smile

Re: Colorless deck.

Happy to help lol

Re: Colorless deck.

How about Memnite?

It's nice to be able to put something on the field turn one.

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Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Colorless deck.

timesnewspartan wrote:

Happy to help lol

Actually I think having Deserted Temple and Eldrazi Temple is better than having those lands you mentioned.

Re: Colorless deck.

I probably wouldn't run four copies of a legendary land, especially one that doesn't even produce mana.

Re: Colorless deck.

drgolovacroxby wrote:

I probably wouldn't run four copies of a legendary land, especially one that doesn't even produce mana.

I didn't notice it was legendary. Fixed it.

Re: Colorless deck.

Update: I wasn't liking my old colorless build so I've built one I think will work better. Comments are welcome. This one you have the ability to throw down some huge creatures right from the start provided you get a Torpor Orb out there and even if you don't there are plenty of other meat shield type creatures you can put out to defend you till you come across one.

Last edited by Pickled_Fetus (2013-08-31 23:26:10)

Re: Colorless deck.

That land combo is nice, but it will seldom deploy effectively. There's about a 5% chance you'll get the cards to produce 4 mana from 3 lands in turn 3, which means you are practically assured deploying on the same mana curve as everyone else. Still, 5% chance of a better mana curve is nothing to be sneezed at when many two or three color decks may stall for a turn.

I think the creatures are the major problem. The zero mana creatures are nice...but you don't have any turn one instants or sorceries, so if you don't draw a land on the first turn and can play a mana creature, you should mulligan. I don't see a reason for having them when your deck would operate just as well with a mana creature.

I'd recommend replacing them with arcbound creatures, like Arcbound Worker or Arcbound Stinger. The nice thing about arcbound creatures is that you don't really need a bomb. You can put one in there to keep the mana curve smooth, but so long as one is always on the field their +1/+1 counters pass from one to another until you can turn a grunt into a bomb.

Also that Leveler has got to go. You exile your library to summon it, so the next turn you'll not be able to draw a card on your draw phase and lose automatically. It won't have even recovered from summoning sickness. I can see the card working with some decks if it's combined with something like an Elixir of Immortality: if you know that the stuff left in your library is useless for the rest of the game, summoning Leveler and using the Elixir in one turn will drastically trim down your library while putting a great monster in play.

But in this deck it's just suicide. I don't even see how you can use it without killing yourself.

Re: Colorless deck.

Egann wrote:

Also that Leveler has got to go. You exile your library to summon it, so the next turn you'll not be able to draw a card on your draw phase and lose automatically. It won't have even recovered from summoning sickness. I can see the card working with some decks if it's combined with something like an Elixir of Immortality: if you know that the stuff left in your library is useless for the rest of the game, summoning Leveler and using the Elixir in one turn will drastically trim down your library while putting a great monster in play.

But in this deck it's just suicide. I don't even see how you can use it without killing yourself.

Elixir of Immortality won't stop Leveler's ETB effect.  Your library is "removed from the game," aka exiled.  The ONLY way to get it out there is with Torpor Orb in play.

A few thoughts... you're completely relying on a single card.  If someone figures this out, they can easily deal with the entire plan.  What do you do if they counter or destroy your Torpor Orb?  Without a second one, you cannot even cast half of your creatures effectively.  To this end, you would do REALLY well to have some means of tutoring the orbs - I'm thinking Tezzeret the Seeker or even other things like that.  Alternately, you can splash some blue and black to use Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, also giving you access to things like Laboratory Maniac, Hunted Horror, and Hunted PhantasmPhyrexian Metamorph also lets you create more copies of Torpor Orb.

Here's a quick build I found looking into the Torpor Orb - Leveler combo.  Tinker with it, it might be worthwhile.

Otherwise, you can take it in a different route.  Look at Myrs as an option.  If you have even two mana producing Myrs and two Myr Galvanizers, then you have an infinite mana loop.  I'd also aim for things like Karn Liberated and Wurmcoil Engine over Leveler and Eater of Days.

Anyway, that's just my two cents...

Re: Colorless deck.

Huh. I was not aware of that combination. Point taken. Are you sure that an elixir wouldn't turn the graveyard into a replacement library?

That combo changes things. I expect it's vulnerable to control decks: The chances that this will coalesce in the first few turns is reasonable, but small, but if your opponent has cards like Unsummon, Broken Dam, or worse, a "creature doesn't untap" instant, sorcery, or planeswalker, you're deck won't deploy right.

Let's assume you get the cards to cast a Phyrexian: the earliest your deck can deploy it is in turn 3, so a good player would wait until you attack with it before unsummoning it. It's now turn 5, you may be able to play two of your beasties for a total of three, but at this point the opponent can deploy something like Tamiyo, the Moon Sage.

Long story short: beware control decks.

Re: Colorless deck.

Egann wrote:

Huh. I was not aware of that combination. Point taken. Are you sure that an elixir wouldn't turn the graveyard into a replacement library?

That combo changes things. I expect it's vulnerable to control decks: The chances that this will coalesce in the first few turns is reasonable, but small, but if your opponent has cards like Unsummon, Broken Dam, or worse, a "creature doesn't untap" instant, sorcery, or planeswalker, you're deck won't deploy right.

Let's assume you get the cards to cast a Phyrexian: the earliest your deck can deploy it is in turn 3, so a good player would wait until you attack with it before unsummoning it. It's now turn 5, you may be able to play two of your beasties for a total of three, but at this point the opponent can deploy something like Tamiyo, the Moon Sage.

Long story short: beware control decks.

Elixir of Immortality says to "shuffle your graveyard into your library" but the problem here is that Leveler doesn't put any cards in the yard, it simply exiles them.  Now, if you were to have 5-10 cards in the yard to then turn into your library after you've exiled the actual library, that could buy you some time.  But to be honest, without trample, Leveler can get chumped all day while the opponent just waits for you to run out of cards.

I suggested Phyrexian Metamorph as a means to copy Torpor Orb given that the entire deck will rely on that being in play and a little redundancy is a great thing.

But you're spot on, a control deck will likely eat this thing alive.