Topic: Looking For Commons and Uncommons For My Cubes!

I'm building both a Pauper and Peasant cube. Since they're both 400 cards each and my collection only starts at Scars of Mirrodin, I need a lot of cards. A lot.

I'm willing to downtrade heavily for the cards that I want. Yup, I'll trade down my $10 card for you truckload of 0.25 commons that are sitting in your shoebox and you've been contemplating just throwing out because it's taking up more and more space. Seriously. My only request is that you add extra value to big downtrades.

Please check out my wishlist. Thanks for looking!

Re: Looking For Commons and Uncommons For My Cubes!

weell i have a bunch of stuff you need. but i don't want to go through all my cards to have you trade with someone else, so i need some kind of guarantee here lol

Re: Looking For Commons and Uncommons For My Cubes!

dude your wishlist is like 90 000$  you have like 16 pages of cards.
Do you have a specific cardlist for just the 400 cube? I know i have at least 100$ worth of the stuff you need.

Re: Looking For Commons and Uncommons For My Cubes!

My cubes are listed on my profile under "Peasant Cube" and "Pauper Cube." I'm interested in all the cards in my wishlist, though anything listed as 99x is low priority. Unfortunately, deckbox doesn't allow me to make multiple wishlists, they're all on the same list. Any common listed is going to be something I need for both cubes, and the vast majority of uncommons are for my peasant cube.

Sorry, no guarantees. Look up these cards at your own risk.

Last edited by Delandel (2013-09-04 20:27:54)