Topic: H: Some Shocks and a Check W: Some Random Cards

I have:
1x Breeding Pool
1x Stomping Ground
1x Clifftop Retreat

I Need:
Gruul Stuff: Flinthoof, Strangleroot, Kessig (Other non-expenisve but not awful Gruul Cards)
Bant EDH-ish Stuff: Jenara, Finest Hour, Bant Sureblade, Loxodon Hierarch, Messenger Falcot, Jhessian Infiltrator &c (some more stuff in the wishlist, and I am open to whatever).
Cheap Planeswalkers: If it is in my wishlist and around five bucks, I am interested in it (e.g. Koth, Nicol Bolas).
xxx Imperiosaurs (to use as tokens - will take to even trades up @ 4 for $1).

Trying to help some of the local kids at the school improve their decks some. Hit me up with some trades if you think we can work out a deal. smile

I collect Imperiosaurs, Dark Magician Girls, Judgement Dragons, and Adarkar Unicorns.
Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: H: Some Shocks and a Check W: Some Random Cards

Mind checking my tradelist for either of the shocks?

Re: H: Some Shocks and a Check W: Some Random Cards

I have tons of stuff you need in your wishlist.  I would trade for shocks if you want to try to work something out.

Re: H: Some Shocks and a Check W: Some Random Cards

I pretty much have all the bant stuff you need. Hit me up with a trade if interested, note it's probably not on my list yet because I just took apart my rafiq edh deck like 2 days ago lol.