Topic: Where did it go?

Did I miss something? Where did the list of people on my profile page go to that had all the people listed that had cards I needed?

It wasn't the best thing I had ever had to work with, but it was most certainly better than nothing. If it got moved somewhere then I can't figure out where. I hope it's not gone all together. Can someone please fill me in?


Re: Where did it go?

Make sure that your login hasn't expired and that you're signed out.  My guess is that if you're signed in that everything will appear as you expect.

Re: Where did it go?

That was a great idea, thanks!...... But it didn't work. sad

I logged out and then logged back in and it's still missing.   

So I am assuming that yours is still on your profile page then? Am I the only one with it missing? Anyone else?

Re: Where did it go?

If its what I think it is that your talking about its the list from the group your apart of. For me I'm apart of redit so my list is all the redit group users who have cards I need / have for  trade. I would check to make sure your still in a group. If your not in a group I don't think anything will show up down there.

Hope that helps.


Re: Where did it go?

I am having this problem too,

He is talking about the 'trading opportunities' icon on the bottom of the profile. It says names and who has what you want and potential trades/ etc.

Re: Where did it go?

I have had the same issue for a couple of days now.  Not really worried about it, but I did notice it was missing.

Re: Where did it go?

Yeah I couldn't remeber the name of it I just know that its there (usually). Since I don't normaly use it I didn't bother to check before I posted but mine is gone to.

Re: Where did it go?

Ah yes, that's what it's called  'trading opportunities" section (I had forgotten what it was called). It's still missing today. And I am still a member of all the groups I am in so that is not it. But it's nice to know that I am not the only one (not nice to know that we all have the same problem, but good that it's not something I did or didn't do).

I use the trading opportunities quite a bit (although I wish I could filter them and organize them, but none the less it was still a good tool).  I am often, not looking for just one particular card (I need thousands that are missing from my collection) so searching by individual cards is much too tedious for me. I would be searching forever if I were to go card by card.

Hope they bring this back real soon.

Re: Where did it go?

It's the main reason I use the site and the only way i've really proposed trades in the past.  I know they're planning an update to trading.  I hope this feature is part of it.

Re: Where did it go?

We had to temporarily remove it, it was causing performance issues for some people with very big tradelists / wishlists.

The new and improved much better one is almost done, release coming up shortly!