Topic: Red help This is my red standard deck after September 27, I need some help trying to find out where to take this to a new tier and get ready for tournaments. If you have any of these cards look at my inventory and maybe we can make a trade

Re: Red help

Now you're onto something.

A few thoughts,

1) I'm going to wager that Magma Jet will be better than Shock 9/10 times.  BUT, I would only run 3 of them and then two Lightning Strikes (aka Searing Spear/Incinerate).  This lets you burn for two, scry, or burn for three on larger targets.

2) Purphoros is going to be big in these decks.  Being able to land him on T4 will almost always seal the deal, if for no other reason, than because he will likely finish the opponent off in the ensuing turns with his creature ETB damage.

3) Another four-drop to consider would be Fanatic of Mogis, who, if it comes into play after you've been dropping creatures, can easily do 4-5 damage immediately upon entering the battlefield - potentially enough to finish them off just like Hellrider used to.

4) Everyone I've talked to/heard of running Chandra raves about what she can do.  I would suggest upping her to 2x.  It'll provide you with some card advantage and might help force those final points of damage through.

5) Foundry Street Denizen and Rakdos Cackler should both total at least 3x of each, if not 4x of each.  Remember that this type of deck will likely come up short if you don't curve out pretty well on a consistent basis.

6) I would suggest upping your land count to 21 or 22.  The 20 land count SHOULD get you there most games, but adding 1-2 more will just ensure things are that much more consistent.

- For the sideboard, Mutavault doesn't make sense.  You'll either want those land all the time or not.  Additionally, Flames of the Firebrand really isn't ideal.  You should focus more on getting the damage through.  Perhaps something like Seismic Stomp will work there... although there are no guarantees.  I saw your note that you intend to add Akroan Crusader and Coordinated Assault, although I would suggest against both of those - the Crusader needs you to target HIM, which you're not going to be doing with anything and Coordinated Assault is just a lesser Weapon Surge.  Perhaps you slide Weapon Surge into the sideboard to help you blow the opponent out in a mirror match, but otherwise, it's not enough damage to really make the difference.  If you're trying to push more damage though, Dynacharge will manage that more effectively.

Re: Red help

Okay, I see where it is going now, thanks for the help

Re: Red help

Why no Ash Zealot?
Also I think that Burning Earth will not be as good as it is now due to 10 lands cycling out and only 5 cycling in. Maybe play only 2 in sideboard.
I'd also consider Firedrinker Satyr.

Just some thoughts big_smile.

Re: Red help

OvidiuBV wrote:

Why no Ash Zealot?
Also I think that Burning Earth will not be as good as it is now due to 10 lands cycling out and only 5 cycling in. Maybe play only 2 in sideboard.
I'd also consider Firedrinker Satyr.

Just some thoughts big_smile.

Ash Zealot could be a solid option.  Good call.  The biggest catch is that you cannot use BTE to cast the Zealot, but that's really the only problem.

You're also right that Burning Earth is losing some punch as I think you're going to see primarily mono and two-colored decks once rotation hits.

Firedrinker Satyr, however, I simply have to disagree on.  Sure, it's a 2/1 for 1, BUT, the firebreathing it has is totally worthless and the ability of the opponent to load up on it to hurt you totally messes things up.  Imagine attacking with it into two creatures.  Regardless of the situation, the opponent has incentive to double-block it, dealing a bunch of damage to you while also dropping your creature.  I could see using it in a build with Legion Loyalist giving it first strike, but otherwise, I just see it as bad.  As another example, someone casts Lightning Strike on the Satyr... they've both removed the creature AND done three to you (if that's not a recipe for helping the opponent, I don't know what is).

Re: Red help

Firedrinker Satyr, however, I simply have to disagree on.  Sure, it's a 2/1 for 1, BUT, the firebreathing it has is totally worthless and the ability of the opponent to load up on it to hurt you totally messes things up.  Imagine attacking with it into two creatures.  Regardless of the situation, the opponent has incentive to double-block it, dealing a bunch of damage to you while also dropping your creature.  I could see using it in a build with Legion Loyalist giving it first strike, but otherwise, I just see it as bad.  As another example, someone casts Lightning Strike on the Satyr... they've both removed the creature AND done three to you (if that's not a recipe for helping the opponent, I don't know what is).

Or block with a reckoner?  5 damage minimum to you?  No bueno....

Last edited by elpablo (2013-09-16 16:46:51)

Re: Red help

Just an article from Channel Fireball regarding the RDW decks. … week-zero/

Re: Red help

What do you think will take this deck to the next level past being playable at FNM? Possibly a grand prix

Re: Red help

Dmullvain44 wrote:

What do you think will take this deck to the next level past being playable at FNM? Possibly a grand prix

Two things:

1) There's no need to start a new thread for the existing deck discussion.  I've deleted the other thread as it's redundant.

2) It's not entirely clear what will make the next GP dominating deck (believe me, if we knew, we would be playing it).  That being said, playtest, playtest, playtest.  The only way to truly understand a deck to the point that you'll be competitive at a GP is going to be to play the thing until you're honestly sick of it.  FNMs, casual games, anything.  Proxy up what look like other decks and test it.  The goal is to figure out where your weak links are, and how to build your sideboard.  Then you figure out what you side in and out against certain matchups.  There's only so much that can be purely speculative like we do here... at the end of the day, you need to be playing the thing to see whether it works or not.

Another card you might consider picking up 2x of would be Stormbreath Dragon.  You're almost never going to make it monstrous, but a 4/4 flyer with haste isn't half bad as a finisher (especially if it comes in the turn after Purphoros, God of the Forge to give another 2 damage).