I would normally say this isn't bad; however, the biggest issue you're going to run into is the fact that by focusing so intensely on creatures without hexproof and enchantments, you're going to be 2-for-1'ed A LOT. The real reason most of the auras don't see much in the way of competitive constructed play is because the opponent can figure out after game 1 (or even if they just heard from someone else what your deck was doing in a previous round) that they should just wait until you put one (or more) enchantments on a creature to then remove it. As a result, you're out multiple cards for only one removal spell.
As such, I see a few issues here.
First off, bestow was cool in pre-release (I think we can all agree on that). However, it will not hold up in the much faster standard environment. Without sweepers and whatnot, RDW will kill you in 4-5 turns. You'd be lucky to even get any of the bestow creatures online by then.
Secondly, if you're going with enchantments, why not work in some of the better heroic creatures? I'm thinking Fabled Hero, Phalanx Leader and things of that nature.
Third, if you hope to hit the top of your curve with ANY consistency, you're going to want 24 lands.
Fourth, I could see where this would be better if you were to go W/G to include things like Unflinching Courage, Selesnya Charm and the like.
Lastly, why even put Mutavaults in? I get that a 2/2 creature in a pinch can be nice and it survives sweepers... BUT... it's not like you're going to enchant it. Anything you put on it would fall off immediately.