Topic: [W] America Control stuff [H] lots of goodies

I'm in need of a bunch of stuff for an America Control build for Modern. This includes:

* 3 Arid Mesa
* 4 Celestial Colonnade
* 1 Glacial Fortress
* 2 Hallowed Fountain
* 1 Sacred Foundry
* 2 Sulfur Falls
* 3 Tectonic Edge
* 1 Clifftop Retreat
* 1 Restoration Angel
* 2 Sphinx's Revelation
* 2 Think Twice
* 1 Batterskull

In addition, I'm always looking for shocklands, as I am trying to get a playset of each. Among my notable haves are:

* 2 Vendilion Clique (NOTE: I may need to be coaxed into trading the second one)
* 1 Snapcaster Mage
* 1 Scavenging Ooze
* 1 Deathrite Shaman
* 1 Cryptic Command
* 1 Pact of Negation
* And much more!

Please help a man finish a deck! big_smile