Topic: Furloughed from Govt. Selling cards in the mean time.
So, I am currently out of a job until the government can get their act together. So, unfortunately, my hobby has to take a back seat for a while. So, I am looking to sell some cards to ensure I don't completely obliterate my emergency savings if I am out of work for a while.
All of my tradelist is up for grabs, I will also consider cards from my inventory if the deal is right. If you are interested in anything, just start up a trade and we can try and work something out. Not really interested in making small sales, as the time and cost of shipping doesn't really make it worth it right now.
Lists should be updated for the most part, I just ran through them. I will double check before any deal is made though!
Last edited by medicfourlife (2013-10-04 22:39:02)