Topic: Negative Life deck (Modern)


I'm trying to build a deck around Death's Shadow, Platinum Angel, Bond of Agony and Repay in Kind.

Current build:

Death's Shadow (4x)
Platinum Angel (4x)

Silence (4x)
Not of This World (4x)

Bond of Agony (4x)
Consuming Vapors (1x)
Diabolic Tutor (4x)
Diabolic Revelation (2x)
Increasing Ambition (1x)
Repay in Kind (2x)

Elixir of Immortality (2x)
Darksteel Forge (2x)

Swamp (12x)
Urza's Mine (4x)
Urza's Power Plant (4x)
Urza's Tower (4x)


The idea is that that Death's Shadow provides serious early-game firepower if anyone goes aggro on me.

Then once Platinum Angel comes out I can plunge myself to minus health via Bond of Agony, and/or use Repay in Kind.

To help me get to all of the above quicker, I have 7 'search' cards: 4x Diabolic Tutor, 2x Diabolic Revelation and 1x Increasing Ambition.

Once everyone else is dead, Consuming Vapors sacrifices a Death's Shadow to bring me up to positive health so that I can win the game.

In case someone starts turfing my library directly into my graveyard I've got 2 Elixir of Immortality to help me deal with that.



1) I'm concerned about instants countering my big plays.

At the moment I my solution is to put 4x Silence in the deck. However this isn't ideal as it will require me to put a source of White/Multicolor mana into the deck when I'd much rather have a mono deck.

2) Death's Shadow and Platinum Angel are currently very vulnerable to instakills; a lot of my friends have hybrid green decks - so lots of low CMC creatures with Deathtouch.

I should note: I'm partially covered here between Not of This World and Darksteel Forge.

3) I'm utterly vulnerable to creatures with Flying.

I've considered adding in a pair of Peregrine Masks, but it's not an ideal solution.

4) I don't have much in the way of basic defences other than Death's Shadow. This will especially be a problem if Bond of Agony doesn't come up early on. So some mooks might be good.

I've toyed with the idea of going Zombie-happy!

5) I probably need something that bestows Trample if Death's Shadow is going to be at all useful when attacking.


So, any ideas? smile

Last edited by labelledtoxic (2013-10-30 00:51:02)

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

its an interesting idea and I think it has some possibilities but from a purely competitive standpoint I think you have some trouble as the deck stands right now. So while it may work as is for a kitchen table type setting I'll be discussing alittle more of a competitive mindset.

I would personally break it down into three key issues.
1) Your Mana Base
2) Your Card Cost
3) Your disruption

Your current mana base runs no shocks. While this is not necessary in a mono coloured deck given that you WANT to be hurting yourself anyway Shocks are a must. Right now is a good time to get into them as they will be about the lowest they'll ever be. For similar reasons City of Brass or other pain lands may be worth while if you want to spread into the two color pool. Two colors opens up alot for you and it isnt that hard to pull off in modern so I would encourage you to try for it. Finally you're running what amounts to Black Tron but you dont have Expedition maps to fix your lands. You really want Expedition Maps to fix your lands.

Your average CMC is 4 mana. While this could work if you get your Tron up its still tight. you're competing against stuff like T3 Karn so alot of what you're trying to play doesnt really stack up too favorably. I would focus on coming up with ways to stall out the game and then use the tron to win instantly.

Your Disruption is limited. Your opponent has more or less free reign of the board until you start getting your tron stuff off and even than your disruption amounts to "I do alot of damage" and "I regain my life." Black has some good removal and so does white I would recommend going into a W/B type deck.

Your points are all good, I wouldnt bother with Darksteel Forge since it doesn't protect against Exiling or sacrificing effects which are quite popular and doesn't further your game plan any.

I would look into the following cards.
-Path to Exile
-Victim of the night
-Go for the Throat
-Expedition Map
-Angel's Grace
-Isochron Scepter
-Profane Command
-God's willing
-Killing Wave

Last edited by TRZ (2013-10-30 11:22:06)

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

Thanks TRZ. Much appreciated smile

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

labelledtoxic wrote:

Thanks TRZ. Much appreciated smile

If I have some spare time I'll tool around with a copy of the deck to see if I can make something I like. smile

Also Orzhov charm would be awesome for this deck.

Last edited by TRZ (2013-10-30 11:31:26)

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

Funnily enough I just traded for Isochron Scepter. Orzhov Charm looks very cool.

Hopefully the deck concept could sing with a better combination of cards. I just don't know my way around Magic well enough yet to know what those cards might be smile

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

I had more time than I expected this morning and this deck idea really tickled my fancy.

I dont think its highly competative but you may be able to make it better than what i've come up with. I'd look at something like this:

the most expensive cards are Karn and Emrakul. Emrakul could easily become any of the legendary Eldrazi. Karn would be harder to replace.

Last edited by TRZ (2013-10-30 12:56:31)

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

I'm not so much worried about it being competitive. Especially not in the literal sense. I'm sure it's way too slow for that.

It's more about amusing reactions at the kitchen table when you kill three opponents with one spell!

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

If the idea is to get to a negative life total, or near death experience, then phyrexian mana is your friend.  I suggest making your deck smaller with Gitaxian Probe.  The information it gives you is also worth the two life.  In addition, other threats that let you channel out life at will include Moltensteel Dragon, Hex Parasite  and Immolating Souleater

You may also want to consider protecting your creatures with shroud or giving them haste.  Lightning Greaves and Hall of the Bandit Lord come to mind.  Note that you cannot pay the three life if you don't have it, even if you have a Platinum Angel on the field, but it can help you reduce your life quickly to be more aggressive.

Also be careful with Angel's Grace.  It doesn't reset you to one, it just prevents you from dying to damage, or losing that turn.  You can still go negative and lose on your end step if you lose life or pay life.

If you want to make it more competitive and aggressive there are builds that use Thoughtseize Plunge Into Darkness, Spoils of the Vault and Ad Nauseam (This is where that Angel's Grace thing comes into play.  You can go negative with Ad Nauseam and keep going, you don't lose the game until the spell finishes resolving and state based effects are checked.  If you Angel's Grace first, let it resolve then cast Ad Nauseam you can go negative, and assuming you can win that turn you're good, but if you end the turn you lose). If you want to splash red you can use Fling to kill and avoid the whole combat step thing.  Also Rite of Consumption is sort of like fling but can put you back to the positive on life. 

With the Ad Nauseam // Angel's Grace combo you can can dig until you are far into the negative, cast a Death's Shadow and it will actually be LARGER than 13/13 because your negative life total adds to it's power.  The problem then is just giving it haste, or flinging it.  The Thoughtseize and Gitaxian Probe make sure you know when to combo out.  This requires nine mana though to do it all on one turn (4BBBBW), so it would be easier to just use it as a draw engine, and not a massive combo machine.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-10-30 19:47:34)

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

From a rules perspective, I don't believe that you can pay life for an effect that will cause you to go to negative life:

118.4. If a cost or effect allows a player to pay an amount of life greater than 0, the player may do so only if his or her life total is greater than or equal to the amount of the payment. If a player pays life, the payment is subtracted from his or her life total; in other words, the player loses that much life. (Players can always pay 0 life.)


Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

psrex wrote:

From a rules perspective, I don't believe that you can pay life for an effect that will cause you to go to negative life:

118.4. If a cost or effect allows a player to pay an amount of life greater than 0, the player may do so only if his or her life total is greater than or equal to the amount of the payment. If a player pays life, the payment is subtracted from his or her life total; in other words, the player loses that much life. (Players can always pay 0 life.)

So long as hes not paying the life. He can still lose life that takes him below 0 is my understanding?

So like as long as he doesnt lose for being at 0 and he gets attacked for 5 with no blockers that would take him down to -5.

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

TRZ wrote:

So long as hes not paying the life. He can still lose life that takes him below 0 is my understanding?

So like as long as he doesnt lose for being at 0 and he gets attacked for 5 with no blockers that would take him down to -5.

Absolutely, that is true.  You just can't use Bond of Agony to go negative.

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

TRZ wrote:
psrex wrote:

From a rules perspective, I don't believe that you can pay life for an effect that will cause you to go to negative life:

118.4. If a cost or effect allows a player to pay an amount of life greater than 0, the player may do so only if his or her life total is greater than or equal to the amount of the payment. If a player pays life, the payment is subtracted from his or her life total; in other words, the player loses that much life. (Players can always pay 0 life.)

So long as hes not paying the life. He can still lose life that takes him below 0 is my understanding?

So like as long as he doesnt lose for being at 0 and he gets attacked for 5 with no blockers that would take him down to -5.

You're both correct.  So you can't pay the life if you don't have it (Phyrexian Mana for example), but if you're losing life as part of an effect (Ad Nauseam)  you can choose to keep going and go into the negatives.  This is because you're not paying life to gain the card, you're losing life based on the card's mana cost.

Gatherer wrote:

Ad Nauseam:
10/1/2008    You may continue to reveal cards with Ad Nauseam even if your life total has been reduced to 0 or less. If you continue, you will continue to lose life, dropping your life total into negative numbers. As soon as you stop, you'll lose the game as a state-based action.

Death's Shadow:
3/1/2010    If your life total is less than 0 and an effect (such as the one from an opponent's Abyssal Persecutor) is keeping you from losing the game, Death's Shadow's ability will actually increase its power and toughness. For example, if your life total is -2, Death's Shadow gets +2/+2.

There are several sources out there where this has already been done.  I compiled a quick list of cards that were common inclusions.  I put links in the comments of the decklist with other lists and a couple of articles.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-10-30 21:04:19)

Re: Negative Life deck (Modern)

Oooh 'Near-Death Experience' is a much better deck title.