Topic: 3 player edh duel deck challenge
Hello everyone, I have been a long time magic player and I have just gotten 2 friends into the game. We play usually once a week and we use my decks I have made or bought. They have both expressed interest in having their own decks, and learning edh. Therefore I want to get each of them and myself a commander deck. But I do not want one to be way better than the rest, imbalance, or broken. So my request is for any commanders, deck ideas, or full lists for three edh decks that will play well together and be around 60 bucks a piece budget wise.
Tl;dr :
I am challenging you to create 3 edh decks that will pay well together without being cheap In a similar fashion to duel decks, all for under 150 dollars for the whole 300 cards
Thanks a bunch in advance!