Topic: Jund Love in Standard...

So I've noticed that Jund (or Rakdos for that matter) really isn't much of a player in the standard metagame... so let's try to change that.

I've thrown this build together rather quickly after looking at the builds that feature Stormbreath Dragon that have placed relatively well in recent events... but I'm liking the slightly more controlling effort here, with things like Sire of Insanity practically ending the game on its own, or at least letting you make major strides care of Blood Scrivener.

I know it's not ideal, it's not orthodox, and I would be best to just take the net-decked version, but I figure, why not work outside the box a little bit.  The big glaring piece missing I'm sure is Desecration Demon, who I fully acknowledge is one of the best creatures in the format, BUT, I'm getting so bored with every deck that has black striving to get to four to cast one...

So thoughts?

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

Almost a third of your deck is cards that are >= 4CMC that seems really high to me. I'll take another look in the morning when I've had some sleep and try and come up with more suggests. I'd look for stuff like Master of Cruelties, Scooze and such.

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

TRZ wrote:

Almost a third of your deck is cards that are >= 4CMC that seems really high to me. I'll take another look in the morning when I've had some sleep and try and come up with more suggests. I'd look for stuff like Master of Cruelties, Scooze and such.

I'm with you that stuff in there is expensive, but you're sitting on 10 removal spells mainboard with the option of even more out of the board against faster opponents.  Admittedly perhaps the deck is in need of Voyaging Satyr or some sort of ramping, even Satyr Hedonist would help power out your four-drops on turn two.

I also feel like the four-drop is rather flooded at the moment, I'm thinking Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch and Chandra, Pyromaster are the weakest options there at the moment.

But having a lot of (potentially expensive) major threats that are hard to deal with is sort of the definition of a mid-range deck though... that and adding Master of Cruelties, another five drop, really wouldn't help with the issue you've identified...

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

I'm trying to come up with a similar deck, but I haven't figured out which direction to go in.  At this point I'm thinking of building around Deadbridge Chant, Gaze of Granite, Whip of Erebos, Vraska the Unseen and Reaper of the Wilds.  Alternatively, there may be something interesting in building around Ember Swallower.

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

psrex wrote:

I'm trying to come up with a similar deck, but I haven't figured out which direction to go in.  At this point I'm thinking of building around Deadbridge Chant, Gaze of Granite, Whip of Erebos, Vraska the Unseen and Reaper of the Wilds.  Alternatively, there may be something interesting in building around Ember Swallower.

I'm thinking Deadbridge Chant isn't ideal given the number of ways to deal with it, resulting in you just milling yourself 10 cards.

Gaze is alright, but you'll likely want to run some sort of devotion or two-color build for it.

I cannot sing enough praises for Whip of Erebos.  The lifelink is HUGE and the ability to reanimate just about anything, well, it does some solid work.

Vraska, I believe is better suited than at any point up until now in the standard metagame.  She tends to work beautifully with Reaper of the Wilds (which is arguably one of the best, but most overlooked creatures in standard these days).

As far as Ember Swallower is concerned, I think that's a non-jund build as you're going to want more ramping.  Conveniently, I've been tinkering with a R/G build that plays off the mono-green devotion shenanigans to power out Ember Swallower and set him off early.  Admittedly I was fishbowling, but the build is able to set him off on T4 quite frequently.

That all being said, what about the jund setup more specifically?  We're short two of the scry lands, but we have a variety of options available... should I take it in a more control direction or is this good as it stands?  Thinking about the matchups, I can see where it will perform well against mono-black and mono-blue, I'm not sure about the Esper matchup, but I think there's enough removal to be resilient against aggro... I don't know... I have almost all of the pieces, but I can't say how well it will hold up without more playtesting (sadly my LGS doesn't do standard constructed as much as I would like...).

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

I'm not convinced that playing red is worth the problems that you're getting with your mana base.  There are so many tapped lands that you're really vulnerable to aggro decks.  Paying two life to play an untapped land against aggro is maybe even worse.  I see that you have Anger of the Gods in the sideboard, but I wonder if you'd be better off as straight Golgari.

It's very complicated trying to get this to work as a three color deck.  Unless the mana can be reworked to get more basics in the mix, I would abandon this as a three-color deck unless you're just splashing a few late game cards off of your Sylvan Caryatids and at most 4 CIPT lands -- for example turn the Blood Crypts into Swamps, the Stomping Grounds into Forests, and leave the Temple of Abandons.  That means that you couldn't really play Anger of the Gods, however, and then you'd be better off turning Dreadbore into Hero's Downfall, dropping your large Rakdos creatures for other options, increasing Pulokranos and Reaper of the Wilds and turn Xenagos into Whip of Erebos.

If you want to stay Jund, then I think that you have a few too many high cost creatures and that your potential card draw in Blood Scrivener is not going to be as effective as Read the Bones.  With so many expensive creatures, it seems like you'll be stuck with some creatures in your hand that either you can't cast because you don't yet have the mana, or because you don't want to overcommit to the board.  If you don't end up with an empty hand then Blood Scrivener could be something much better for two mana.

For minor changes, I would go to four Sylvan Caryatid and cut a Voyaging Satyr.  The Caryatid is better at blocking small aggro creatures and the hexproof is great against a small red deck that would like to remove blockers or make specific creatures not able to block.  If you were playing Nykthos then Voyaging Satyr certainly has a better role.

I need to stop thinking about this and get back to work, but I'll post more over the weekend.

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

I'm with you.  I really want to make the deck work, it seems like "something" should be there.  abrupt decay, dreadbore, rakdos return, thoughtseize, hero's downfall, stormbreath, xenagos, vraska, sylvan, reaper, chandra.... Just so many good cards.  I have been thinking about it for a while. 

The only viable option i see is to take the RBW midrange and remove the white and find a way to put the green in.  being 3 color devotion is out of the question, you're missing the life gain that RBW has in the form of baron and obzedat though.

Chances are you're playing gates to stabilize the manabase, we could play saurli gate keepers (green 2/4) gain 7 if you have two gates.  instead of ramp, you might be able to do, gate creeper to help with that activation.  Yougotta have the life gain, with shocks, RTB, thoughtseize and just normal combat damage.  Whip is not enough alone.

But if you do that, wouldn't it be better to just go Br or Bg and get on the devotion train with Gary?

I think our best course of action is to hang on to our reapers and xenagos and hope we get more "stuff" with the next set in February, unfortunately.

Last edited by elpablo (2013-11-08 14:37:20)

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

All valid points... I mean an option would be to straight out Jund control this list... move Anger into the MB and even more removal in place of the smaller stuff... perhaps keyrunes could be useful in terms of the fixing (Rakdos Keyrune is pretty good I hear).  Essentially change the strategy into just raining chaos down on the board with removal a plenty until you get up to 5-6 lands to then let loose some huge threat...

But then again, I feel like you're better going two color... and that then brings you back to the age old, if you're running black, put Desecration Demon in and the same old boring "oh look... I cast a DD... Do you have an answer?  Nope?  I'm probably going to win then..." which is what I'm straying to get away from.

On a side note, I'm a big fan of Underworld Cerberus but have yet to really figure out a build where he makes all that much sense.  A 6/6 pretty much unblockable for 5 isn't bad value and man if he doesn't look cool.  But in a pure rakdos build he's too slow for aggro, and mid-range isn't ideal either as you'll end up washing out most of your removal if he dies by giving their creatures back to them.

On a side note, pairing Agent of the Fates with Hidden Strings = hilarious.  Cipher it onto something unblockable or flying and you're able to force the opponent to sack at least two creatures per turn.  Good times had by... well... not all, but at least you're having a good time.

More brewing must be done!

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

Underworld cerebus is interesting.  I _think_ it goes in a deck where you nuke their creatures and eat their yard.  Perhaps, the cards just aren't there yet.  Or if you're able to just exile their creatures. 

rakdos keyrune is okay, but what made good in jund before was kessig wolfrun.  kessig made anything a threat and we just don't have access to that.  The big threats in those colors are really heavyily invested in those colors too.  Stormbreath is probably the easiest to cast and most effective. 

I've seen a few people kicking around the jund control build on other websites, i just don't think it's there.  I'd be happy to eat my words though if you figure it out.

alternately.  I'm feeling the BR brew, similar from the world tour but with more of a devotion aspect ATM.  Getting on the Gary Train... woot woot... tongue

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

not sure if this helps or not but ive seen some wacky fun reanimator decks around where they play nothing but aggressive 2 drops all day long, drop porphorous then finish with underworld cerberus.  then if they have to, they'll use immortal servitude in the end to reanimate all the fallen guys which also activates the god and burns people out. a little example of this:

4x Ash Zealot
4x Lotleth Troll
4x Burning-Tree Emisarry
3x Purphoros, God of the Forge
4x Rakdos Shred-Freak
4x Sylvan Caryatid
3x  Underworld Cerberus

4x Grisley Salvage
4x Commune with the Gods
3x Immortal Servitude

EDIT: Add Whip of Erebros and you've got the cake!

just a short list of usable stuff as a skeleton.  i think it's pretty fun and still able to win.  I've lost to it once or twice.

Last edited by VampireArmy (2013-11-08 20:28:20)

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

the thing about the 2 drop deck is anger of the gods just invalidates your strategy.

Also, burning tree has zero synergy with these cards.

4x Ash Zealot
4x Lotleth Troll
4x Rakdos Shred-Freak

I have a hard time believing an aggressive deck can play a 3 color mana base atm and still win.  3 color is only viable for midrange and control atm.


Re: Jund Love in Standard...

I was playing around abit I kind of like this. Alittle ramp, lots of Flash Creatures and such.

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

elpablo wrote:

the thing about the 2 drop deck is anger of the gods just invalidates your strategy.

Also, burning tree has zero synergy with these cards.

4x Ash Zealot
4x Lotleth Troll
4x Rakdos Shred-Freak

I have a hard time believing an aggressive deck can play a 3 color mana base atm and still win.  3 color is only viable for midrange and control atm.

spice it up with a splash of white, you got boros charm.

EDIT: though BTE wont give it to you for free, it still makes it cost 1 red less which still kinda helps anyways. ive never been dissapointed myself playing it in my mono red devotion deck which runs on a smiliar principal

Last edited by VampireArmy (2013-11-08 20:37:32)

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

I'm sorry, but that just sounds awful tongue

a 4 color deck with the current manabase is not a viable deck at all.    There's a pretty good reason why we haven't seen a list like this at a PTQ or open let a lone the pro tour.  It's just not viable in an environment where you expect to face a lot of tough decks.

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

elpablo wrote:

I'm sorry, but that just sounds awful tongue

a 4 color deck with the current manabase is not a viable deck at all.    There's a pretty good reason why we haven't seen a list like this at a PTQ or open let a lone the pro tour.  It's just not viable in an environment where you expect to face a lot of tough decks.

I mean that goes along the basis of just running Deso-Demon.  If it hasn't been there, doesn't mean it shouldn't be.  I mean, for example i remember when i was running Desecration demon the minute he was released and back then i recieved a lot of flack about how it was a terrible card. (Admitingly tokens was more of a thing back then) still, i won't argue if you think it's so terrible and sure maybe not ptq material but you'd never know until ya try.  wink im out.

P.s. My aggro Vamps have once destroyed Delver control on several occasion during IND-Scars time.  Not all crazy deck ideas amount to nothing sir! lol im just havin' fun now really i needa get out of here

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

rogue decks are one thing, but i think we're talking about different metas.

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

Comically, VampireArmy, I actually sleeved up a rakdos aggro build just last night on pretty much that premise.... ( as I was trying to use the GP Santiago deck idea but with my own non-Xathrid Necromancer twist (as I just traded my only two away...).  Sadly, it just doesn't get the job done as consistently as a pure RDW or something of that ilk.  That and things like Selesnya will just eat you alive, as their two-drops are just bigger and better...  So to that end, sure, you put down Cerberus and he can get all your stuff back... but it's stuff that you wouldn't want to top-deck on T-6 anyway.  I mean the natural card to use him with is Rakdos Charm as you exile their yard in response to him dying... but at the moment there isn't really a board wipe or anything on your side of the table to really make that setup in your advantage.  Anger goes and exiles them...

If you really want to have some fun with Rakdos, I put together a total budget rakdos minotaur build if you're looking for something to sleeve up for less than $100... (" onclick="Tcg.mtgCard.showNewCard('');return false">

I guess I'll have to keep on tinkering... I want the Jund to work, but perhaps I'll just have to wait until Born of the Gods... sad

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

Since there were some hopes/interest expressed in a competitive Rakdos build, I should point out this deck ( that a friend home-brewed (and I've taken some liberties with to match my current inventory).  But the basic idea is to be controlling until you can either overpower them with tokens (which are expendable), clear the board and whoop some arse with Keyrunes (he was using Mutavaults) or use the damage from Purphoros, God of the Forge and/or Tymaret, the Murder King (aka, the Burger King).

It struck me as a particularly intriguing deck that, to be honest, probably would've beaten me last night had I not jedi-mind-tricked him into using Thoughtseize on my Loxodon Smiter.

Re: Jund Love in Standard...

I think rakdos can get there.  I think it needs to be RDW splash black though.  Or perhaps even Red Devotion splash black. Like a "big" red devotion. 

obviously white has a little more going for it with boros charm, chained to the rocks and brave the elements, but rakdos could be a tier 1.5 or solid tier 2 deck.  Definitely FNM material.