Topic: Need to cut a card in Oloro

Added in Everflowing Chalice for some more ramp but can't decide what to cut yikes Can't cut any creatures or board wipe / destruction..

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Re: Need to cut a card in Oloro

I know you may not like it, but what about the rite of replication? I can see that being only moderately useful when you are board wiping and recurring from the graveyard

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Re: Need to cut a card in Oloro

It provides too much utility to cut sad Great to copy my own creatures on single use or kicked, and since it is EDH there are bound to be other creatures my opponents have that it can target. I haven't had a chance to really play test this live yet, but looking over the deck list and playing it against myself I really like the synergies in the deck which is why it has been so hard to find the last card to cut :s I'm actually thinking of cutting Black Market

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Re: Need to cut a card in Oloro

How about pristine talisman?  You seem to have enough life gain and mana production without it.

Re: Need to cut a card in Oloro

madoli wrote:

How about pristine talisman?  You seem to have enough life gain and mana production without it.

with oloro in play, pristine talisman reads "tap: draw a card, extort"

Re: Need to cut a card in Oloro

madoli wrote:

How about pristine talisman?  You seem to have enough life gain and mana production without it.

Talisman is a free card when you tap it with Oloro out.

If it were me, I would cut either Necropotence or Call to the Grave.

You have more than enough ways to draw cards and given that its BBB your not likely playing it on t3.

And call of the Grave is good but you have plenty of other answers to destroy creatures and considering there is alot of token generation in EDH, this might end up hurting you more than your oppenents at times.

Last edited by Helios52 (2013-11-20 17:47:38)

Re: Need to cut a card in Oloro

Hmmm... I'll try cutting Call and see how it runs. I do have enough other destruction tongue If you actually look at the deck statistics, it is heavily black and the mana base reflects that. I could very likely have BBB on T3 tongue

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