Topic: Commander Card Identification/Protection (Toploaders and Such)

I usually keep my commander separated from my other cards by keeping it in a Toploader.  Recently I've decided that Toploaders are a pain. They don't fit easily into fat pack boxes easily. Any other Ideas on how to keep your commander separate from the rest of your deck? Just curious.

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

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Re: Commander Card Identification/Protection (Toploaders and Such)

What we do round these parts (at least the people who dont buy the ultra pro magnetic flip boxes) is we put our decks in the holiday boxes and have 99cards going on way then our commander going the other, its pretty simply. I believe you can fit 3 decks sleeved in a fat pack box? if not you could always just put your commanders in a seperate deck box and pull them out when you need them assuming you have like a lot of commander decks.

Re: Commander Card Identification/Protection (Toploaders and Such)

I just use a sleeve with a different back, but the same color.  This allows it to be easily identified, but you can still shuffle it in your deck if someone tucks it as it is the same color as the rest of the sleeves.

Re: Commander Card Identification/Protection (Toploaders and Such)

Top loaders FTW! I've never had an issue with them fitting into fat pack boxes. I use 3 fat packs for my 6 double-sleeved decks

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Re: Commander Card Identification/Protection (Toploaders and Such)

I do things alittle differently. All my decks are sleeved up the in Ultra Pro Matte sleeves and I can fit 12 decks in 1 of the Holiday giftboxes. I just use one the dividers to section off a small area in box for where all my generals go. This way i can just sort through my generals and pick them easier than having to take out the decks.

Re: Commander Card Identification/Protection (Toploaders and Such)

I've been using a "100+ Deck Box" made by Ultra Pro ( … B004I14S5K), which easily fits my entire sleeved EDH deck. As pumpkinsword offered, I also put my commander in a unique sleeve that stands out from the others (for example, yellow when my other sleeves are blue).

Re: Commander Card Identification/Protection (Toploaders and Such)

I am like Helios, I could fit twelve decks in my holiday box (theros FTW) but I cut myself off at 10 decks because holy hell that is some value! Either way all 100 cards are sleeved in identical Dragon Shield Sleeves. My LGS and group of guys all keep our commander in identical sleeves because we are all ass holes that love to oblate, hinder, and spell crumple the shit outta people's commanders so we don't want the guy cutting or you yourself to have an easy find of the commander (let them rot in Libraries!)

...of course I never let mine get shuffled =P

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Re: Commander Card Identification/Protection (Toploaders and Such)

AmarusCameron wrote:

we are all ass holes that love to oblate, hinder, and spell crumple

Don't foget Condemn and Terminus when possible.

As for all the other replies thanks. I got some great ideas. Although I need to keep mine in the same colored sleeves because we too like to shuffle commanders when possible.

I collect Requiem Angel and am always willing to take one in a trade.

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