Topic: That little chat bubble beside the Trade link is driving me crazy!

Not the fact that it exists, mind you, but the fact that it says I have a trade with a chat message I haven't read, and I can't find it! It'd be great if clicking on that icon could take me to my trades, both completed and cancelled, that have unread messages.

Re: That little chat bubble beside the Trade link is driving me crazy!

Scroll through your completed and/or cancelled trades and normally that's where you'll find it.

Re: That little chat bubble beside the Trade link is driving me crazy!

This request would be useful for users who have 20+ pages of completed/cancelled trades to check. As time goes on, I'm sure more and more users will be requesting this as their number of pages increase.


Re: That little chat bubble beside the Trade link is driving me crazy!

Agreed. Will separate the trades with unread comments.

Re: That little chat bubble beside the Trade link is driving me crazy!

Awesome sebi!

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Scroll through your completed and/or cancelled trades and normally that's where you'll find it.

I've tried that and can't find it anywhere. If you have enough completed/cancelled trades, trying to manually check them one page at a time is a pretty bad experience.

Re: That little chat bubble beside the Trade link is driving me crazy!


Re: That little chat bubble beside the Trade link is driving me crazy!

Ahhhh, my OCD is finally subsiding, thanks! Funnily enough, that isn't even my most lopsided trade.