Topic: Closed

Did anyone notice the$15 price jump today? Is this because mono black modern is gaining popularity? Or is this just a ruse?
I'm curious because I'm negotiating a trade right now, I don't want to lose value because they just jumped. But I don't want to be a bad trader.
It's quite the pickle

Thanks in advance

Last edited by Charlesmartin (2013-12-09 17:39:05)

Re: Closed

Someone on TCG / Ebay listed theirs for about $70, which made the price spike. … bliterator

I'd say it's still a $20 card.

Buying cards for store inventory, check my profile!

Re: Closed

I picked one up a few weeks ago for $15 at a mtg store then saw the price jump. Now its $30, i'm guessing to due mono black, it'd be pretty hard to cast it if you were using 2+ colors.

Re: Closed

I just found it strange that it jumped over night.
I'm guessing that if this is a real price jump that it won't last long.

Re: Closed

it is because someone bought out all the copies and is trying to corner the market.

unfortunately it is doomed to fail because there is no sign that mono black will have any significance in the modern meta. There are plenty of copies left on non-tcg websites and EU, etc.. that it will simply not sustain itself. sell yours now or trade them away if you have them because they are just going to go back down to ~15-20 dollars in the long run.

artificial price hikes often have a similar trajectory. Chandra, Pyromaster shot up from ~10 to ~30 dollars in a few days with just whispers of results. In actuality it did not get as much play as it was hyped and dropped back down to ~10-15.

Last edited by GnomGnomGnom (2013-12-09 05:04:17)

Re: Closed

I figured as much.
I just wanted to make sure because of the fact that I accepted a trade before they spiked. And I don't want to be that bad trader that cancels it because they spiked.

I do agree that mono black won't have much (if any) sustainability in modern

Re: Closed

GnomGnomGnom wrote:

it is because someone bought out all the copies and is trying to corner the market.

unfortunately it is doomed to fail because there is no sign that mono black will have any significance in the modern meta. There are plenty of copies left on non-tcg websites and EU, etc.. that it will simply not sustain itself. sell yours now or trade them away if you have them because they are just going to go back down to ~15-20 dollars in the long run.

artificial price hikes often have a similar trajectory. Chandra, Pyromaster shot up from ~10 to ~30 dollars in a few days with just whispers of results. In actuality it did not get as much play as it was hyped and dropped back down to ~10-15.

Actually, Chandra spiked because it was in Reid Duke's Jund deck for GP Detroit that made it into the finals. Wizards did not broadcast that GP. It is still at $20 tcg-mid.

Your statement that the spike is because of a buyout might be true, but that is an assumption. Another assumption I would make is that people are testing mono-black in modern to find out if it's success in standard can be ported over. Whether or not the deck produces results does not matter as long as there are enough players wanting the card and not enough in supply, the high price will remain. Is it sustainable in the long run? maybe, maybe not. Also, a lot of casual players like to relive the MBC days. =P

Last edited by markst3ph3n (2013-12-09 05:20:05)

Re: Closed

I have a NM foil Obliterator for trade

Re: Closed

Ignore the spike. It's just hype.

Re: Closed

grossoggodeckbox wrote:

I have a NM foil Obliterator for trade

Go on...