Topic: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

Hello there, I'm fairly new to MTG, and am starting to take my deck building seriously. 

I understand a few problems with this deck.  I just wanted to make sure that I'm thinking of the right things.

First of all, I have no removal.  I was thinking of putting in something that makes my big dudes fight opponents creatures. (I forget the names, but there's a few options in standard right now).  Either that, or toss in something like Enlarge.  I'd remove a couple of my one of's, probably the higher costing creatures even though I'm really hoping to go big.

Second thought, my four drop turn (usually turn 3), I'm torn between dropping Karametra's or Polukranos a lot.  I was wondering if this problem is solved by removing a Polukranos or two. 

I want to add another Nylea, removing another of the big hydras.

Will the addition of Voyaging Satyr help ramp by untapping Nykthos?

I really think this deck can use 3 or 4 Garruk, Caller of Beasts, would this be recommended?

I appreciate any criticism and advise.  Please feel free to tear me apart as I'm fairly new to the game, but am trying to learn.

I'd really like to keep this Mono Green Devotion, but if it just can't compete, then I'll probably go with an RG Monsters type of deck.

Thanks again,
Jason / Whisky D

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

Spotted some issues right off the bat. I'm writing the first half of the post assuming you're staying mono green.

Lands - 19 is way too few.  I play a GR devotion list and play 23, that's with all the ramp etc.  I highly recommend going up to 23 minimum.

Creatures - Mono green is a little less about ramp and a little more about aggro.  You need exp 1, a full set of kalonian tusker, move the mistcutters to the side for any blue matchups.

The acolyte is too slow, get some elvish mystics in there. Witch stalker can be used as sideboard card for monoblack or blue, those need to be moved to the side though.

+ 1 scavenging ooze at least. Nuke the vastwood hydra from orbit.  You don't need the deadbridge if you're running poluk or vice versa, they're fighting for the same spot in your deck. 

Other spells - omg yes, 3-4 garruks is awesome sauce.  + 1 nylea, and you can use pit fight if you need removal,but be mindful it can't target master of waves. The bow is okay too, you could +1 that as well, into the wilds is garbage.  Do not run it. 

Sideboard - aside from the things I mentioned. bramble crush is a great side board card, you need some number of plummet as well for desecration demon.

Now, all that being said, Green devotion is a fine deck.  I believe however that the GR version is stronger in the format. This is the list I've been using.  It's fun to play imo, and it runs pretty well.  I would really really love another domri for it though.

a turn 2 domri is crushing card advantage that control must answer.  this deck is also possible to get out a turn 3 garruk.

turn 1. elvish mystic
turn 2. nykthos, burning tree, burning tree, into arbor colossus
turn 3. garruk, swing 6?

I have also been able to burn someone out with clan defiance.  I beat mono blue doing that, I had polukranos on the board vs his army of elementals, etc.. I had enough devotion to wreck his board, he was holding open mana for a rapid hybridization.

It went like this.  He was on the play so it was my turn 4, after his turn 4. land drops every turn.

turn 1. elvish mystic
turn 2. nykthos, burning tree, burning tree, voyaging satyr
turn 3. tap nykthos for 6, untap with satyr, floating 4, add 6 more play polukranos, arbor collosus
Turn 4. tamp mystic and another land to activate nyk, leaving up a single red, produce 11 mana from nyk, drop a 2nd nykthos, produce 11 more floating 9, total of 20, untap with satyr, floating 18, produce 11 more, tap my red, clan d for 28... (I think i did the math right there)

He was sure I was going to monstrous poluk and was waiting for the trigger. You won't always hit the double burning tree, but when you do...

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

yes, thanks for the response.  I agree with everything you said. 

The only reason I'm doing mono-g at the moment is because I just happened to pull most of the spendy cards out of packs.  When I gather some dough to mutate it over that will be great.

I may end up tossing the burning-tree (4) in anyway, it sure it nice to be able to profit on nykthos turn 3 regardless, whenever it happens.

Gone is vastwood and deadbridge for a couple forests for starters. 

Thanks again, I'll deffinately be taking your comments to heart because what you say is true.


Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

just be aware that for burning tree to really get value you can't play something like kalonian tusker.  YOu'd want as many 2 drops as possible to run off the burning tree mana.

also, your post here is timely.  THere's a discussion on reddit about the same deck. I made similar comments over there as well. … _devotion/

Last edited by elpablo (2013-12-19 19:48:53)

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

Having not played G/R devotion myself, I cannot speak to the nuances of its play; however, having played AGAINST it a few times I can say that Burning-Tree Emissary is the real deal in here.  Games against it essentially broke down to, did they get a double BTE draw... if they did, I was hosed and couldn't do anything.  If they didn't, I had a shot.

elpablo is right on the mark about the PWs as they really are what makes the deck more than just another aggro build.  Arguably the biggest problem decks like RDW have is that they run out of gas and cannot keep the pressure on the opponent past turn 4-5.  Well, mono-green devotion will do much the same thing without Domri and Garruk, COB - both of whom are essentially giving you added card draw.  Without them, it's not uncommon to have your hand completely empty by turn 3 or 4, making you an easy target for a board wipe and then it's GG.  But even a single +1 activation off of Garruk can refill half of your hand (you're going to average 2-3 creatures off his ability).

One thing I like about the G/R devotion build is the flexibility once you have the core pieces.  If you want to run Xenagos, go for it.  If you want to run Rubblebelt Raiders, it's a bit undersized for the cost to start, but it easily becomes a threat on its own (and gifts three devotion no less).  Want to have fun with Kalonian Hydra, go for it!  Clan Defiance becomes a MAJOR threat as elpablo describes.  If you want a bit more of a red mix, you can toss in Ember Swallower and have fun setting off his monstrous ability on T4.  Hell, the version I'm sleeving up for my GF to enjoy actually has 1x Worldspine Wurm because, well, why not?  Getting to 11 mana isn't actually all that hard... go figure...

For the specific questions you posed:

No removal?

Okay, this can be an issue sometimes as you don't have as many ways to interact with their side of the board, but odds are you're probably going to just overrun or overpower them with your creatures.  You will already have SOME removal in Polukranos, Arbor Colossus, Domri (pending you're running them), and you can even think of Nylea's pump as a type of removal as they're going to be blocking.  If you toss in a pair of Clan Defiances that's two more... note that the spell can target a ground critter, a flyer, AND the opponent... so that's value right there.

At the four drop?

Polukranos is the best bet here, definitely over Karametra's Acolyte - BUT, as long as you're getting some power here, it's actually hard to go wrong.  Mana is in such abundance in this deck, you won't suffer as much as normal to overload the four-drop.  Deadbridge Goliath and Rubblebelt Raiders are sub-optimal options, but they're solid threats all their own.  Also, one card that seems to be getting overlooked that fits your model perfectly and can add even MORE pressure is Reverent Hunter - with a Mystic and two BTEs, it's a turn 2 7/7... I think that's pretty solid if you were to ask me.

Another Nylea?

I'm going to run 2x in the build for my GF, but I could easily be talked into a third.  The whole legend thing sucks and it's not very common that the opponent will get rid of her, but the ability to spend that extra mana, the 6/6 beat stick, the trample, AND the fact she helps you not over-extend into board wipes care of her pumps... well... I can easily see the argument for 3x of her in a build.

Voyaging Satyr and Nykthos?

They're besties as elpablo described.  I would suggest running 4x of them without a second's hesitation as they can provide fixing (if you splash that red) and otherwise just crap mana into your pool via Nykthos.  This one's a no-brainer.


Ideally you would run the full 4x of good ole Gary, caller of beasts, but they're pricey.  I'd suggest at least 2x but more if you can swing them.  It's possible the mix of 2x Domri, 2x Xenagos, 2x Garruk might be ideal... I haven't playtested other combinations - BUT, that card advantage is a MUST.

Anywhom, elpablo hit most of the stuff before I got to it, but hopefully something here is of some help.

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

I'm planning on running 3x garruk, 3x domri, 2x xenagos just for the record.  xenagos is good sometimes and other times he just feels durdly. 

I think 2 nylea's is where you want  to be as ty said, the legendary part is painful.  I want to see one, but I don't want to see 2,  the trample is key in some matchups.  Which is why i think ghor clan is out, indestructible trample and pump forever?  yes please?

I'll say one final thing.  I'd be careful about the amount of red you splash.  I'm running just a couple mountains in addition to the RG lands.  And there are times when I only see one red source, that includes a sylvan caryatid.  I've won games with 1 forest, 1 nykthos and mana dorks.  You can keep crazier 1-2 mana hands in this deck if you know what you're facing. I say this because i tried stormbreath to start, and even thought about ember swallower, but there were times I still couldn't cast them.  In addition if you split your devotion your making less mana.

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

I almost completely forgot... another good piece to add is Ruric Thar, the Unbowed.  He's a solid SB option for the most part, but he REALLY plays into your strategy as he pressures the board (he will frequently be the largest creature out there given the speed with which you ramp into it) AND he locks down the opponents who rely on non-creature spells to keep them in the game - in the worst case scenario, it's a six point burn spell.

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

i converted my RG to Mg for a lil bit
(4)mystics, (4)carys, (4)burning tree, (3) Polukranos, (3)arbors,(3) boon satyr, (3)garruks, (3)Kalonian Hydras, (3)experiment ones, (4)voyaging satyr, (3) Mistcutter Hydra, (1) nykthos, 22 forest

2 ____(gain life = to ur devo to green
2 Naturalize
2 Skylasher
2 Pithing Needle
few other things in SB i cant remember

something like that... and just as a toss together won 2 FNM, with ease and was great fun smile (32/32 Kalonian is kinda had to block tongue))
but swapped back to r/G i missed my domri/xenagos

but yeah R/G
Ruric thar
Mizzium Mortars
mistcutters (i have main board so much threat to be SB)
Polis Crusher (great SB for esper/ G/W)
Polukranos (owns all)
.... but yeah thats just a lil bit of mine i actually run Reckoners bc no one ever sees it coming w/ the Stomps/temples/ and carys its mostly easy to pull off
but think hes going out and moving in Stormbreaths smile)

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

Thanks again everybody.  I made some changes.  I can't really add red right now as I don't have the cards.  So I'm getting 2x Garruk to toss in, yanking Karametras, adding voyaging satyr, adding land, putting mistcutter and witchstalker into sideboard, added another bow, ordered another Nylea.

I just pulled a Boon Satyr, so tossing that in to take up some space while I wait for garruk. 

I really appreciate the input.  It sounds like I'm thinking of the right things, but don't have the cards to fulfill my ultimate goal at the moment.

I'll be staying mono Green devotion (I don't have all the duel lands) for the moment.  We'll see what the next set brings out.

Since the mono blue and black were so prevalent this go around, I'm hoping that green can be made better with the introduction of the next set.  Otherwise I'll need to invest in the dual lands.

What do people think about Simic with these green base cards.  I was eyeballing a couple ideas that revolved around the +1/+1 counters, which this deck has a lot of. 

Wish me luck in my first FNM tourney at my local shop tomorrow!  smile

Thanks again,
Jason / Whisky D

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

thats why i like Kalonian Hydra Triggers precombat so amazing puts alot of pressure on someone really quick ... but heresa build i faced with Mono blue (beat him 4/5 times but was cool to see)

but if so Biomancer and Prophet are insanely Important!!!!
**i also suggest Mizzium skin for G/b helps alot in B to save the hydras***

Last edited by Eliterawr (2013-12-20 07:32:24)

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

So going with the +1/+1 counters is nice, but the issue comes from the fact you have practically no way to interact with the opponent's board.  Given that the deck Eliterawr linked to only has 8 counters, if they do stick a solid threat on the board, well, you're in trouble. 

That being said, Prophet of Kruphix is a SOLID card and it definitely makes many of the threats a lot better, being at instant speed and all.  Progenitor Mimic strikes me as a solid addition to said deck as it will let you simply win games in response to their Blood Baron, Desecration Demon, etc etc.

But, for the time being, mono-green should perform alright, but keep in mind that there will be some learning to go with it as you need to figure out which decks to go all in and dump everything on the board for and which ones you need to hold back so as not to just waltz into a board-wipe.

Best luck!

Re: [Seeking Opinions/Help] [Standard] Mono Green Devotion

Here's my version of Mono-Green Devotion, though it splashes Black for Golgari Charm to "counter" supreme verdict.  Version 2

and Version 3

Scavenging Ooze seems to be the card I am usually the least happy about drawing and may need to be shipped to the SB or removed all together.  Version 2 needed more response to flyers so version 3 Main-boards 3 Arbor Colossus.  I don't really like Voyaging Satyr that much because unlike Caryatid he doesn't evolve Exp One after a Burning-Tree helps us cast it, same thing with Scavenging Ooze. 

Version 3 also gives us a couple Abrupt Decays to answer things like Domri Rade, Nightveil Specter, Underworld Connections, Detention Sphere, Ashiok, and Boros Reckoner to name a few. 

Depending on your opponent, you either want to rush, or when you pass turn for their turn 4 and they already have 3 land out, stay untapped to at least bluff the golgari charm against their verdict. 

Possible alternatives I've been looking at for the sideboard for control match up is Savage Summoning.  Pass turn 4 untapped with 3 forests, Nykthos, Elvish Mystic, Sylvan Caryatid, and a Burning-Tree Emissary, in response to Supreme Verdict, activate Nykthos for your full devotion using Mystic and Caryatid to pay the costs, get GGGG, then at the end of their main phase, before your mana dissipates cast Savage Summoning with GG then add GGG from forests to cast Kalonian Hydra with a +1/+1 counter, untap, upkeep, draw, swinging for 10!

Main problem with this deck and others like it is that with all the removal out there, running out of steam is a real issue unless you get Garruk out.  The only other real viable option is Domri Rade

I think the addition of Black for Golgari Charm and some decent threat removal is important.  The question is how much?  Supreme Verdict is the worst thing that can happen to Stompy devotion decks on turn 4.  Another option with Black is obviously Thoughtseize... and it might actually be the best because you not only get to remove their Verdict you get to see what other threats are in their hand and maybe pace yourself a little or know that you should probably rush now if you can.