Topic: Adding Duel Decks and Commander 2013 Decks?

Is there a way to 1-shot add these pre-built decks?

Sorry if it was obvious and I missed it.


Re: Adding Duel Decks and Commander 2013 Decks?

The best way to do this is to go to the mother ship and take the decklists off there and upload the list into your inventory.

For example with the 2013 commander decks.  Go to this link: … ature/269c

click the magic online Icon in the top right of each decklist. 

This will download a notepad file that you can open, copy the decklist, and paste it into the upload list box in your deckbox inventory.

Re: Adding Duel Decks and Commander 2013 Decks?

Good advice.  It's a shame there's no option for loading that though.  To the suggestion box! smile

Re: Adding Duel Decks and Commander 2013 Decks?

It's been suggested a few times before, I know it would have saved me  a lot of time when I bought the set of 5 decks and had to spend a while doing it.