Topic: Obzedat vs MUD

Hey guys, happy new year!

So I've got a question that's been brung up in my testing of MUD for standard.

I seem to have a lot of difficulty with Obzedat. If you take a look at my MUD list [], you'll see that just about all of my removal is sorcery speed... How can I change this to deal with this guy? I don't want to have to rely on Rapid Hybridization, but is that really my only option here?

Thanks for any advice.

Last edited by DarrenM (2014-01-01 05:47:55)

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Re: Obzedat vs MUD

MUD is relying mainly on rapid or cyclonic rifts, i think he can be dissolved or essence scatter but again thats into game 2 w/ the pro mud build
once hes out theres not much i can think of u can do not to mention what else he has out... so i mean just thassa unblockable with nykthos/aetherling/JaceAoT or atleast JaceMA/ nightveils u have the ramp to ping him down if not just totally beat him down

but again really u could rapid him then if u had to tidebinder the token, just run 2 or so rapids

Re: Obzedat vs MUD

If your Mono-Blue is working as the pro lists are, then Obzedat would be an instance of too little, too late.  You're going to go around him if they keep him in as a blocker care of Thassa's unblockable ability, flying, and the sheer number of elemental tokens from Master of Waves.  To that end, you really don't need a specific answer for him.

Re: Obzedat vs MUD

Well, as we all know, not every game sees the perfect curve, and I am sometimes faced with no board presence in the face of an Obzedat.

the RWB lists that I see nowadays are packing tons of removal, and there are a few instances where I just cannot recover in time to beat out an obzedat. I think i'll go with the Hybridization, though, since it's really the only instant speed option right now. Hopefully BoTG gives us something to work with on that front.

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