Topic: H: Sealed Mind Seize, Shocks, List, $$ W: 2 Scalding Tarns
So I opened the box on the Mind Seize deck, just to make sure that the deck was there (heard stories of people buying the deck, swapping in 100 basic lands, resealing and returning), but the deck itself is still shrink-wrapped in the plastic. I only need two more scalding tarns to finish my modern deck, and I'm really trying to finish it ASAP. I would be willing to open the deck if someone only wanted the TNN or Strix in combination with other things on my trade list. I don't want to BUY the Tarns, but would be willing to do some combination of cash and cards, and would be willing to give significant extra value, to get the last two tarns that I need. I would definitely make it worth your while Thanks!