Topic: Modern Metalcraft?

So while browsing Gatherer today, I ran across a keyword that I hadn't heard from in a while; Metalcraft.

Seeing as how we're currently in a state of devotion based everything (at least in Standard. I now that Modern has been experimenting with it as well), I thought that going back to this 'devotion to artifacts' style mechanic would be a fun little challenge.

So right now, I'm in the midst of building a Modern Metalcraft deck. So far it's just white, and that would be for Ardent Recruit, Puresteel paladin, Dispatch, and Squadron Hawk (I've always been a fan of suiting up the hawks with some equipment and flying over everyone.

I'd like to know a couple of things to help me out with this little experiment:

-Has there ever been a competitive metalcraft deck? I started playing in Dark Ascension, and totally missed the boat on any scars block shenanigans.

-Is white the correct color to go with here? I thought of splashing red for galvanic blast, as well as bolt and helix, but i'm unsure on that front.

-What are some of the better artifacts in Modern that I could be taking advantage of? I've only started looking for things for this project, so obviously if there's something out of like, 10th that i'm missing, I won't find it for a while on my own.

Thanks for any help here!

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Re: Modern Metalcraft?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't metalcraft a part of Affinity decks?  All those artifacts have to allow for some silliness to be going on there...

Re: Modern Metalcraft?

There are a few metalcraft cards in the Modern Robots deck (OK, only three):

Last edited by psrex (2014-01-10 04:30:10)

Re: Modern Metalcraft?

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't metalcraft a part of Affinity decks?  All those artifacts have to allow for some silliness to be going on there...

There's more metalcraft in affinity than there is actual affinity cards.  I've been playing the modern version and I'm putting together the legacy version.