Topic: W: Filters, RICHMOND PLAYMAT H: Tradelist
Wants in order of personal priority
Cascade Bluffs(UR) (Need need need)
Commanders Arsenal/ Judge Promo Command Tower (Arsenal Preferred)
Other Filters(Mystic Gate(WU), Rugged Prairie(WR), Fire-Lit Thicket(RG))
Duals (I know these probably won't happen quickly or at all)
Rest of tradelist
I AM COLLECTING THE RELEASE DAY STAMPED CARD TROMOKRATIS STAMPED FEB 7 2014 I want any and all of these when available.
Also looking for a SCG Richmond Eternal Witness playmat will pay cash monies for this.
For the right offers, I have a sealed FTV DRAGONS (PENDING TRADE), a sealed Mind Seize (PENDING TRADE), a barely touched Elves Goblins DD (it is open but they are mint) and some stuff in my inventory/profile.
Just found my old pokemon cards, can search through them if you need something specific I pulled the energy if you want it its all in pretty good condition. Have some promos, something stamped with PRERELEASE, and some other holos.
Edited with updates
Last edited by bighappyblocker (2014-01-30 14:40:28)