Topic: Pauper - Star

I think we should have a vote for Pauper - Star format whether a card that was printed as a common should be allowed or not so long as the edition being used is the edition it was a common.

Re: Pauper - Star

Cards like Rukh Egg, Dragon Engine, Urza's Tower are good to go in my book. You're asking if you specifically need the original, common printings though? I hope not. Voted yes for any common printing makes a card common but I don't want to buy a $3 ATQ common when the newer card is worth pennies.

Last edited by Avon (2014-01-30 21:10:23)

Re: Pauper - Star

Go by the lowest rarity the card ever had.  I've got a new, uncommon corrupt in my deck because corrupt used to be common, for example.  Same goes for your general: if it was ever uncommon, it's good (e.g. Serra Angel is fine).

Other rule clarifications: only Paul is allowed any colorless nonland cards.  Colored artifacts are fine in the deck of that color.  As for lands, only lands that produce your color or colorless mana can be used.  If it has a colored mana symbol on it that's not your color, it's out.  So, we could all use Opal Palace or Command Tower, but only the white deck could use Abandoned Outpost, for example.

And I know some of us are posting our decks on here as we build them, but please don't go looking for hate cards aimed at others' cards to put into your own deck.  This is not that serious.  Despite this lengthy rules post.

Re: Pauper - Star

vanko wrote:

And I know some of us are posting our decks on here as we build them, but please don't go looking for hate cards aimed at others' cards to put into your own deck.  This is not that serious.  Despite this lengthy rules post.

Yea, so don't be hating on my deck with your artifact kill!!!!! :-D