Topic: Im very new to mtg and need help building a good deck

Hello like the post says im new to mtg ive played several fnm tournaments and on saturdays as well as the recent pre release for born of the gods and only have 1 match win under my belt,i mainly have ravnica and m14 stuff and a little theros and born of the gods and cant decide what to build but i really want a competitive azorious control deck but dont have any planewalkers atm but i do have most of the bread and butter control cards and just don't know what to use and what not to...oh and im broke so i cant afford to go out and build a 2 3 or $400 deck lol im in the process of adding my collection to my inventory so you guys can see what all i have to work with,any help at all or advice will be much appreciated thank you:D

Re: Im very new to mtg and need help building a good deck

So I'll be honest when I say that Azorius control will cost a fortune and there really isn't much sense trying to run a sub-optimal build.  That deck, more than most others, really relies on the PWs, dual lands, and chase cards - so think Supreme Verdict, Detention Sphere, and Sphinx's Revelation.  There just aren't any substitutes like there are for other decks, i.e., Doom Blade or Dreadbore are sub-optimal versions of Hero's Downfall, but they can help you save some cash while still getting the job done the most of the time... not so much for Azorius control.

Are you just pre-disposed toward control or did you just pick a deck?  There are a ton of budget options that you can look into if you're just looking to win a few games - sadly most require a LOT of investment in the mana-base.  I would suggest looking around at the colors, mechanics, and strategies you enjoy most for guidance on the type of deck you really want to run with.  THEN, we can try to figure out a good way for you to proceed.

I will say that if you're into controlling builds and don't want to drop a ton of cash, you can look into Maze's End as an option.  It's a bit unconventional but isn't terribly suited against most tier-1 decks and will likely take some folks by surprise at your local FNMs.

Give us a bit more input and we'll see about giving you some ideas.

Re: Im very new to mtg and need help building a good deck

Welcome.  I'm assuming you want to play in Standard format events that use the current sets.

While you provided some good details in your original post, perhaps the best starting point would be for you to list three to five cards you'd really like to use in your deck.  You have a few full playsets (4x a card) in blue/white, but otherwise have a lot of one-of cards.  You noted you don't have a lot of funds, so buying into a deck isn't an option, but do you have the means to purchase (or trade for) any additional cards? All would help the community know how to best approach your request.

As an example:

I really want to build a deck using Lyev Skyknight,
Doorkeeper, and Stealer of Secrets.

My goal would be to play Azorius control, with some mill.

With all the enchantments in the current block, I'll probably
want Keening Apparition in my sideboard.

I can't really spend anything more on the deck right now, but want
to identify some cards for my wishlist, so feel free to recommend a
few premium cards I could substitute in at a later date.

I hope this helps.  I'll look forward to your next post.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Im very new to mtg and need help building a good deck

well i just really like the control mechanic but as of right now im thinking about going mono red and as far as azorious control i have 4 detention spheres 4 azorious guild gate 4 dramatic rescue 4 cancels and many more playsets for control decks but no supreme verdicts or just very indecisive and OCD lol and i am having problems adding allot of my cards on here because of my OCD like having the same card in multiple sets,and wanting to be able to list them in their sets like for instance if i had 5 of one card in one set and 3 from another set but it will only allow me to say i have 8 from one or the other?...any advice at all on cheap builds no matter what color or types are welcome and very appreciated i just wanna go to my next fnm and win a little...most of all i just really need to play more and gain experience thanks guys:)