Topic: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

I'm just putting this up as a PSA, but for anyone trading with anyone in the American South right now be aware that your trades will be slow to travel, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and North Carolina have had and are currently being hit with snow. Also the storm is projected to hit Virginia, Maryland and swing up as far as NYC.

I know normally that everyone is like yeah whatever snow, it's winter that happens. That is very true. But this is snow in places that are not really prepared for it. Thus, and I'm just saying here, make double sure you add tracking to your trades and realize that things will be SLOW over the next couple days (maybe week, because its gonna be cold so no melting)

Anyway, I'll get off my soap box, happy trading!

roll ps- if anyone has a Volrath's Stronghold for trade I would love you forever if you started a discussion with me big_smile

Last edited by AmarusCameron (2014-02-12 15:28:18)

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

Thank you for pointing this out.

Not going to lie, living in the Northeast where 3ft of snow is pretty much expected each winter, I laugh when a whole city gets shut down for few inches. Obviously if the city isnt equiped to handle even that little removal it makes a difference it shouldnt be surprising, but its just a funny thought when you think about it...

Last edited by Helios52 (2014-02-12 15:35:10)

Re: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

Yeah I know, I've lived in New York (upstate) and for anyone to take any snowfall seriously it needed to be at least 18 inches. But I have also lived in Georgia and I know that the counties there do not own plows nor do the locals have plows to attach to their trucks. So normally what happens is that they have to call a northern state (usually Pennsylvania or New York) to send plows down to help out...but that is only if the snow doesn't melt first, which it normally does. The crazy thing this year is that it has just stayed so bloody cold, so the snow isn't melting as fast and there are lots of accidents because people are not used to it.

Its just all screwy

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

Good call. Look what happened in Atlanta a few weeks ago. People were stranded in their cars for 18 hours!  Because of a couple inches of snow and tons of ice.

Re: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

That happened here in Northern Virginia in 2011. It was a perfect storm. All businesses and the government shut down two hours early and as traffic ground to a halt with every one on the road at once we had 3 inches of snow fall in an hour (plus continual snowfall through the night) Plows could not plow and thus cars were left abandoned all through the evening.

I was out in that and saw the writing on the wall, was lucky enough to be near a parking garage. Just pulled in and called it a night. (I have a two days worth of rations, a book, and a sleeping bag in my car at all times) So while everyone else was getting into accidents I left my car in the garage, chilled in the local stores that were still open and hug out with a police officer that was pushing cars up a hill and directing traffic. Pretty cool night.

Last edited by AmarusCameron (2014-02-12 16:36:32)

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

grossoggodeckbox wrote:

Good call. Look what happened in Atlanta a few weeks ago. People were stranded in their cars for 18 hours!  Because of a couple inches of snow and tons of ice.

Being from western NY that's funny.

Re: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

To anyone who experiences snow annually yes it is.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

And you know it's a total catch-22 situation too: if the county doesn't have plows, you see criticism for how long it takes to clear the snow, but if the county had plows, people would complain that it's a waste of money because they're so infrequently used.

Re: Southern Winter Weather (be aware!)

Yup, that is completely true. Gotta love the fact that most people, no matter what you say or do, have zero patience.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list