Topic: Legacy in Romania
I've been looking for some Legacy events in Romania, but i couldn't find any.
Why not trying out some legacy events? Here some pro's and con's.
- Many players have Legacy staples, played in EDH and Modern decks.
- Known strategies from Modern can be easily build out to Legacy decks (Infect, Affinity, and more)
- The prices of some legacy decks are high, BUT expensive cards can be replaced with cheaper options with often just one more mana in it's cost. The same for the mana base, many players have the shocklands which function perfectly fine. And the fetchlands you allready have, Modern players!
- I often run into semi Modern builds at Legacy tournaments, giving me a hard time winning.
- You have a T1 win combo-deck for just 150 dollar! (Oops, All spells) Cheaper than most Standard topdecks.
Peronally I like playing legacy for its challenging character, speed, and the availability of a wide wide number of cards.
So why not giving it a shot, maybe as a side event or a Sunday tryout?
I'd love to hear your thoughts about it! And to anyone interested in Legacy: feel free to contact me for any kind of advice or information about Legacy play.