Topic: Mods, is it possible to get a faster update on prices?

Currently snapcaster mage, for example, appears to be $26 on deckbox, but is actually $35 on TCG.  I'm not sure how often updates these prices but it seems like a lot of people are trying to take advantage of the discrepancy by proposing trades at the deckbox value before it corrects.

Originally posted on the reddit forum (, but it was recommended that I post here as well.  Thanks.

Re: Mods, is it possible to get a faster update on prices?

Yep, we've been having some issues with our price importer these last few weeks. The prices will be updated tonight and I hope I fixed the issues and this will not happen in the future.

I'm keeping my eyes on this. Sorry for your troubles.

Re: Mods, is it possible to get a faster update on prices?

Thanks very much for the reply and no need to be sorry-I appreciate the work you do to fix things like this and keep the site going.

Re: Mods, is it possible to get a faster update on prices?

How often are price updates done?  Is it once a day or more frequently than that?

Re: Mods, is it possible to get a faster update on prices?

Once a day.