Topic: Reckoner infinite life combo

so was told about this a week ago havent seen it yet but figured id look and see what i find
so seems u cast Reckoner, then about T5 u play ur land (assuming u get what u need), u cast boros charm(for indestructible), cast azorius charm(lifelink), then ping reckoner w/ shock

from my understanding reckoner would take the 2 redirect it to himself, take 2 redirect repeat infinite
the lifelink would trigger bc he if dealing the 2 damage bc of his ability correct?
anyone done this recently kinda wanna do it tongue could even pull it off w/ R/W/G(unflinching courage) or R/W/U(azorius) but im thinking its possible just in boros itself...
just might delay it a turn or so... the Gift of orzhova gives lifelink and it W or B  idk spitballing ideas

anyone else got any Infinite DMG or Lifegain combos in standard?

Re: Reckoner infinite life combo

would seem a lot easier just to be aggressive with the reckoner an attack, when the block cast boros charm and Mortal's Ardor for 3 mana of 2 colors instead of 4 mana with 3 colors

Re: Reckoner infinite life combo

yeah i was just looking at what i had in binder that gave lifelink at cheapish cost in stander, kinda forgot about mortal

Re: Reckoner infinite life combo

but the reckoner on the the aggressive is ppl dont block him ever!

Re: Reckoner infinite life combo

This combo was a thing for a week or two back when GTC first hit with Reckoner (especially when Nearheath Pilgrim) was still standard legal.

That being said, it's requiring a lot to go just right in order for it to go off.  You're certainly welcome to try and if you're in American colors anyway, it's worth a shot, but I'd hardly think it a good idea to structure the deck around it.

Re: Reckoner infinite life combo

Like Tywoo said this was a deck right after Reckoner was printed, people called it Lucky Charms. 

You can pull the combo in just Boros colors now if you wanted with Swift Justice and it's a little easier. 

Add in a Frontline Medic and just be aggressive and it can be pretty easy if they chose to block Boros Reckoner.  Cast Swift Justice after combat while Reckoner's ability is on the stack.  Boom infinite life.

For added shenanigans play Archangel of Thune

With it and Reckoner in play cast Spark Jolt then Swift Justice on Boros Reckoner.

Infinite life and infinite +1/+1 on all your creatures.  No indestructible required.  Could be interrupted with a 2 damage instant that can target Reckoner but if you Turn 5 Archangel of Thune you probably can Turn 6 cast the whole combo if you can make a land drop.  If they have no fliers or removal your angel swings for the win.

It's cute, appropriate for FNM every now and then, but in anything really competitive there is so much "destroy target creature" hate that can hit your dudes playing just for the combo without a good aggro or mid-range plan that can win without the combo is probably going to get frustrating as many times you're going to be almost there and bam, Doom Blade, Abrupt Decay, Hero's Downfall, etc.

Re: Reckoner infinite life combo

Moreover, you might be able to get it to go off in game 1; but in games 2 and 3, they'll likely let you over-extend into it.  You cast Swift Justice and potentially Boros Charm to get it going, they kill Reckoner in response to 3-for-1 you.  It, like any infinite combo, will win a few games here or there from the combo but is likely too cute to actually get the job done.  Nevermind that the U/W decks out there are actually built to wait it out - they can easily deal with your threats and, while you have infinite life, they can just control the board and wait until you mill out (Jace, Memory Adept or not).