Topic: Suggestion - add "trade out of inventory" option back?

Hi Sebi and crew.

Thanks for the update, and good luck with the new selling features! I just wanted to ask about a feature that seems to have disappeared -- the option to toggle "trade out of my inventory" in addition to tradelist. I don't always use it, but sometimes it's helpful to see if there's something in my inventory I can dip into to round out a trade; I'd like to be able to toggle that on like we used to. Was that removed intentionally?


Re: Suggestion - add "trade out of inventory" option back?

rfioren wrote:

Hi Sebi and crew.

Thanks for the update, and good luck with the new selling features! I just wanted to ask about a feature that seems to have disappeared -- the option to toggle "trade out of my inventory" in addition to tradelist. I don't always use it, but sometimes it's helpful to see if there's something in my inventory I can dip into to round out a trade; I'd like to be able to toggle that on like we used to. Was that removed intentionally?


This is what I was coming to find out too. I always use this option as although I have a tradelist, I do alsmost always round out the trade with cards from my inventory.

Re: Suggestion - add "trade out of inventory" option back?

It's even worse for me, as I DON'T have a trade list aside from my extra Unhinged cards, which nobody really wants anyway.  I do most of my trading from my inventory, so not having the option to narrow down the list makes it extremely tough to come up with trades.

Re: Suggestion - add "trade out of inventory" option back?

It probably has to do with all the people (like me) NOT wanting to trade from inventory, and the requests for inventory privacy.  It makes sense that as a user you should have the option to do it, but Sebi and co. probably just haven't figured out how to do that.

Re: Suggestion - add "trade out of inventory" option back?

I'm thinking the best way is to make it an option in your profile settings, like "Do you wish to trade from inventory?" and have a yes or no option for it.  Then if it's set to "No" and someone selects to see matches from inventory, it would behave as though the inventory was empty for that person.  Might be easier said than done though.  Conversely, the option to check for inventory matches could also be set to show matches only from the inventory of the user looking for matches, as opposed to both users.  I know I found it a pain in the arse to have to constantly toggle between tradelist and inventory matching when I was looking for things.