Topic: Change request: new "interesting trades" feature

Would it be possible to add a button to let people expand/collapse the new content areas? Any chance we could re-order them (web 2.0)?

Not right now of course--you have other issues that are higher priority right now. I just want this one documented for when you do have time to consider it.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Change request: new "interesting trades" feature

Just remove your wishlist.  It collapses quite nicely.

Re: Change request: new "interesting trades" feature

Hmmm... I still have a wishlist, so removing it is not an option. Just because I have a wishlist doesn't mean I want trade opportunities thrust in front of me all the time. I can go to the trading opportunities page when I want to look for opportunities that match my wishlist.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Change request: new "interesting trades" feature

It was intended as a joke.  Finger pain?  Cut off your hand!

I posted a similar complaint is all.