Topic: Import does weird splitting on new cards

When you use the Import...Cards interface, when you search a card, it automatically adds one to your inventory with the default parameters. But sometimes it splits the cards you have in a weird way.

For instance, suppose I have 3 copies of Black Lotus, one for trade. They all have the same parameters, which match my defaults. I use the Import...Cards dialog to add another one, which is in the same set and condition. When I add it, a new row is created in the inventory section of the import dialog. It should say 1 card, 0 for trade, but sometimes it says 1 card, 1 for trade instead. This is irritating if the new card is a foil, because then I need to go and move the one for trade back into the other list, or split it, or something. It adds cognitive load.

This happens often enough, but inconsistently so I cannot provide steps to reproduce.

P.S. Ideally the new row could be highlighted in some way to quickly adjust quantity/other properties.

Re: Import does weird splitting on new cards

I have noticed this as well. In addition to marking the newly entered card as available for trade, it also takes 1 away from the rest if all parameters match.

Can the newly entered line read "1 Inventory / 0 Tradelist" and keep the already entered ones at the same count as it was before "3 Inventory / 3 Tradelist"?

Re: Import does weird splitting on new cards

I've reported this issue repeatedly over the last year (plus), and Sebi indicated it would be fixed soon.  However, it never used to display that behavior if you had fewer than five of a card in inventory--it only used to happen when you went to add a sixth card. So, I'm wondering if he tried to fix it and did not get the desired result.

You can see my most recent post on the topic here.

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Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.