Topic: H: 3x Candelabra of Twanos, FoW W: Goyf + Bob
Hey everybody. I am doing this to try to help a team mate who wants to build a jund deck. He has 3 Candelabra of Twanos he's trying to ship for Goyfs. I know it's kind of an odd request but we thought it'd be worth a shot.
The 3 Candels are MP-HP with one Mp-Damaged. All are sleeve playable and he takes very good care of them. Pics are available upon request.
There are 4x Force of Will and they are all SP-NM. More on the NM side. Pics are also available upon request. His main priority is 4x Tarmogoyf. Future Sight is prefered but he's not going to be picky. His second priority is 4x Dark Confidant.
Send me a message or a trade and we'll try to work something out if you're interested