Topic: Card Values
How are the card values listed in the trade tool determined?
How often are they updated?
Most players consider the TCG price to be the defacto market value, and for mid to high value cards the prices DeckBox lists on trades is usually close enough.
However, for lower value cards most cards end up listing way higher than they should.
This is causing friction on a trade I am in the middle of right now.
On my side of the trade, the person I'm trading with is asking for various foils and promo cards I have.
And there, the DeckBox value is only about $3 over the TCG value, in total. (That part's fine.)
His side of the trade is a pile of Theros block uncommons and a few bulk rares, that he's trying to get rid of, and I need to complete my collection. (On the surface, should be a win-win.)
However, despite both sides of the trade showing as roughly equal, the TCG value of his side of the trade is short by $9 ($12 lower than the DeckBox value).