Topic: Problem while adding cards to collection
I am slowly adding cards to my collection, and I just discovered the new feature for tracking multiple pictures/same card-same set.
So I decided to experiment it with Swamps. After adding a bunch of swamps in different sets and languages (count was 500+) I added 2 Unglued Swamps and suddenly my total has dropped to 175!
My fear is that when I opened the Inventory/trade list window only some of my inventoried Swamps where actually loaded, so I added my 2 Unglued ones, Applied and more than 300 swamps disappeared in one hit!!!
Not sure if inventory changes are logged somewhere, I'd really appreciate any help to recover the lost information.
As an additional note I noticed the Inventory/trade list becomes quite slow when you have many versions of the card (in my case it could have easily been 50+ different versions).
Any help will be appreciated.:o