Topic: Card sold that was a part of a trade... what do I do?

Okay, I have a trade right now where I'm going to send out my Goblin Rabblemasters:

Problem is, someone just bought them in an order as well:

I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to do. Presumably I cancel the order, but obviously I don't think this scenario should have been able to arise to begin with: If you have an accepted trade involving a card, that card should *not* be for sale.

Obviously the problem is that cards aren't removed from your tradelist until you actually mark them as shipped. I think this needs to be changed so that accepted trades have the cards automatically removed from the tradelist, but not necessarily the inventory (so that users can still throw out multiple trade proposals with the same cards without being bound to the first one that gets accepted.) I don't think there's too much downside to this. If one really wants I admit that I could be faulted here for not immediately removing the item from my tradelist once the trade was accepted, but that's not always going to be a reasonable expectation.

Is there any rule I should follow for how to handle this situation? Again, it seems like the right thing to do here is to cancel the order, but I don't want to make a bad assumption here, or open myself to receiving negative feedback (if that really was a risk, I'd just stop by my LGS and buy a couple Rabblemasters..)

Last edited by 9700377 (2014-09-29 05:35:20)

Re: Card sold that was a part of a trade... what do I do?

Wow, I feel really sorry for the buyer, since it seems it happened twice to him, 10 minutes away! (He made an order for the Rabblemasters from someone else who also had traded them, and then from you, and it seems you also traded them).

This is actually our fault. When you accept a trade, it should remove the cards from your tradelist, to not cause these issues. This has been reported before and we want to make a release this week to address it.

Peter, I think in the interest of the buyer's situation, I'd ask if you could please go ahead with the sale, even if you have to get them from your LGS. We will of course refund you the sale fee, and an extra 10$ discount on your next deckbox bill, for the headaches. Let me know if this would be ok.

Thank you.

Re: Card sold that was a part of a trade... what do I do?

All right, I'll call around today and see what I can string together. No promises, but I'll try.

Re: Card sold that was a part of a trade... what do I do?

Update: I picked up a couple more rabblemasters and I'll send them out tomorrow.

Re: Card sold that was a part of a trade... what do I do?

9700377 wrote:

Update: I picked up a couple more rabblemasters and I'll send them out tomorrow.

Great to hear, thank you!