Topic: Don´t like the update

What I liked most was the deckbox when searching for information on how many letters had in inventory overhead, including the value of each updated card, it facilitated much time to do business. Now the same information is in the lower left corner of the screen and does not have the price of the cards. It was very bad. Please return to the old way. Incidentally is not REQUIRED to open a new window to each search card. The previous mode also worked better.

Last edited by Dezord (2014-10-01 02:22:30)

Re: Don´t like the update

Dezord wrote:

What I liked most was the deckbox when searching for information on how many letters had in inventory overhead, including the value of each updated card, it facilitated much time to do business. Now the same information is in the lower left corner of the screen and does not have the price of the cards.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this.

Re: Don´t like the update

okay. thanks anyway for you help.:o

Re: Don´t like the update

I agree.  One thing I liked about the <CNTL-I> feature was that it brought up my stuff and all the prices associated to my stuff.   When adding - once you hit apply - the price would appear.    Now - nothing.   I definiately like the old <CNTL-i> Function better - this one is just a "sales pitch" and not for helping with inventory!   Please put it back or at least give us an option to change back to the old format.    Thanks!

Re: Don´t like the update

The pop out screen was very convenient. I didn't have to stop what i was doing.

Re: Don´t like the update

Ctrl-I still works, and it opens the card page in a new tab, so you do not have to navigate away from the current page.

Re: Don´t like the update

We know it still works - but now it does not show the individual cards with their individual prices like it use too - plus the actual "add to inventory" is on the bottom of the screen and so many other things I just don't like.   When I'm adding to my inventory - I really don't care what's for sale and who has it.   I want to know what I have and how much it's worth from the different sets.   Can't there be 2 different entry screens that show depending on how you get to them?   Could you make a different <CNTL-?> that is the OLD <CNTL-i> for those of us who used it ALL THE TIME and now are slower than dirt because it's clunky and cumbersome?   I would LOVE my old CNTL-i back!

Re: Don´t like the update

mrsfrost71 wrote:

We know it still works - but now it does not show the individual cards with their individual prices like it use too

Which prices are missing? The same prices as before are displayed, only now they are to the left of the card image instead of on top of it. You can select a different printing from the menu on top, just like it was before (only the button looks different now).

Plus the actual "add to inventory" is on the bottom of the screen.

This might be an issue indeed, I'm also not completely satisfied with the positioning.

now are slower than dirt because it's clunky and cumbersome?

It should not be any slower than before, if it is I am sorry, and will try to profile it and improve its performance.

The old dialog version had many problems and usability issues that we just did not know how to solve. I am sorry you do not like the new version, and I will try to think how to improve it.

Re: Don´t like the update

I've attached a screen print of what I was talking about with price and card variation.
Also, I have put my 2-cents worth of suggestion along the bottom.   Feel free to ask me any questions if you like my suggestions.

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Deckbox Suggestion.docx 724.32 kb, 4 downloads since 2014-10-06 

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Re: Don´t like the update

I agree with the request to put the prices next to the card version.  I also posted a screen shot of this in another thread.   He means on the card page below the card image where it lists what you have in inventory.  There it lists the cards, but does not display the prices.  This was really convenient the way it was before.  Also the original poster must have used Google Translate. "Letter" means "card" and he is saying that it was faster for him to look up prices the old way.

edit: here is another screenshot;download=0

Where it says "Inventory / Tradelist" and "Wishlist" it should show the pricing next to each version.  The old way had this information, but I suspect it doesn't have it now due to space issues.  Clicking each page to see and compare prices can get old, when that information used to be available at a glance.  In my screenshot there are five different versions of lightning bolt which should all have pricing shown.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2014-10-06 18:25:53)

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lightning bolt.JPG 51.14 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Re: Don´t like the update

gumgodMTG wrote:

I agree with the request to put the prices next to the card version.  I also posted a screen shot of this in another thread.

Thank you for the clarifications.

Added back those prices now.