Topic: Promo & Foiled? Or just promo?

Hello all,

I searched on the forums and I couldn't find an answer, so here we go:

I have a Khans buy-a-box Rattleclaw Mystic promo card I would like to offer for trade. The card is foil, of course, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to label it as "foil" as well as "promo" because it seems most of the buy-a-box promos are foil anyway. The price difference between norma/promo and foil is a few bucks, but mostly I don't want to make someone mad because they were expecting a different card.

Any input?


Re: Promo & Foiled? Or just promo?

I think this has been commented before, but I think the "promo" label is kinda deprecated - the buy-a-box promo Rattleclaw Mystic should be the "Media Insert" one that you can choose under the set, I believe, and you shouldn't need to mark it as promo/foil since that's assumed.

But it is incredibly confusing right now - in general promos will have their own special set flag, but you can also flag any card as a promo... though I'm not sure if you actually should. The bottom line, then, is that you should never have to actually flag a card as a promo. I think.

I have been burned on this before. Like, I labeled all my KTK prerelease promos as just being promos and didn't flag them as foils and Deckbox priced them identically to the non-foil rares... so someone noticed this and bought them out. :\

Re: Promo & Foiled? Or just promo?

I didn't know there was a "Media Insert" option! Found it, changed it, thanks!