releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 61 cards, 17 distinct
Name  Type Classes Edition
Hero (1)
1 Rohashu, Zealot of the Sun Hero - Tauren Paladin   Throne of the Tides
Item (4)
4 Bottled Light Equipment - Item - Potion            Throne of the Tides
Ally (44)
4 Abysswalker Rakax Ally - Goblin Warlock Twilight of the Dragons
2 Alethia Brightsong Ally - Blood Elf Paladin Throne of the Tides
3 Bronze Drakonid Ally - Bronze Dragonkin War of the Elements
4 Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen Ally - Tauren High Chieftain Worldbreaker
4 Dagax the Butcher Ally - Goblin Rogue Twilight of the Dragons
4 Edwin VanCleef Ally - Human Rogue Dungeon Decks
4 Faceless Sapper Monster Ally - Faceless One Priest Throne of the Tides
4 Korlix Grimvik Ally - Goblin Death Knight War of the Elements
4 Rosalyne von Erantor Ally - Undead Warlock Worldbreaker
4 Sava'gin the Reckless Ally - Troll Druid Worldbreaker
3 Telor Sunsurge Ally - Blood Elf Warrior Worldbreaker
4 Trade Prince Gallywix Ally - Goblin Trade Prince Worldbreaker
Ability (4)
4 Grand Crusader Ability - Protection   Throne of the Tides
Quest (4)
4 Seeds of Their Demise Quest Throne of the Tides
Location (4)
4 Kor'kron Vanguard Location Wrathgate
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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