ZACK BAKER's profile
- MTG DECKS (647)
Current EDH
Innistrad Standard Decks
vin Nekusar For Lulz
vin Oloro Control
vin Sidisi Sorta Zombies
Danger Room
leg Danger Room
leg 30 dollar edh
leg Borybygmos r/g edh
vin Olivia edh
vin One Drops EDH
leg selesnya edh
vin Thraximundar edh
leg wrexial edh
mod budget dragon egg
mod Jund
mod Mid Range
mod Shadowborn
leg megrim
mod Mill Deck
leg pro pod
grixis reanimated
horde magic Z
Innistrad Standard Decks
PD league 8/30
vin 4 Color Reanimator-crazybaloth
leg 4 Color Slivers-Dragonas77
leg Abzan Aggro-ByakuyaTheTroll
leg Auntie Jund-SXEatPSU
leg Bant Blink-pear-banter
leg Bant Midrange-Cutare
mod Battle Hymn Aggro-WardenWizard
leg BG Delirium-Mmurphy123091
leg Black Demons-BlackLotusT1
leg Burn-endidymion
leg Burn-Playgrop
leg Burn-SnoreMonster
vin Cruel Control-Dragonas77
vin Cruel Control-Pear-Banter
leg Demonic Rising Control - Redsquare
leg Elementals-kdrakari
vin Esper Dragons-crazybaloth
leg Esper Tribal Control-silasary
vin Freeze Storm-The4D6plus3
leg GB Elves-fuha
leg GB Elves-wappla
leg GR "Fires"- LoveHandler
leg Grixis Midrange?-Pseudodude
leg Grixis Stuff-drcameron
leg GW Tokens-mz151
vin Ignite Storm-Noaya
leg Jund-srfernsd
leg Mass Polymorph-Dragonas77
mod Mass Polymorph-Yuanakil
leg Mono Red Aggro-Alandorf
vin Naya Midrange-BoSheck
leg Naya Slide-ismguys
leg RB Dragonstorm-Dakotarino
leg RB Dragonstorm-j_meka
leg RB Goblins-TheGentGamer
leg RG Aggro-endidymion
mod Robots-Kiritomato
vin Temur Madness-crazybaloth
leg Temur Morph-SBlue3
vin UB Alignment-swahili
leg UB Control-endidymion
leg UB Control-j_meka
vin UB midrange-Dragonas77
vin UG Fallen Constellation-TacoFarmer
leg UR Control Control-NimbleThroatPunch
vin UR Cruise Control-L00tZombie
vin UR Madness-WHAMwich
leg UW Equipment-lordzombie
leg UW Heroic-Aldreen
vin UW Skies-BlackHellkite
leg White Aggro-Shantu
leg White Equipment-Lunser
vin 2014 manaless dredge
mod 4 color and an
mod 4 color control
vin 4 color dark
vin 4 Color dragon
vin 4 color reanimator
sta 4 color reanimator
vin 4 color supeer
vin 4 color walkers
vin 4 whipz
leg 4c reanimator
mod 4c superfriends
vin 4c walkers
leg 5 color ramp
mod abzan
mod abzan aggro
mod abzan aristocrats
mod abzan blade
vin abzan control
mod abzan control frf
mod abzan dtk
mod abzan sis
mod Alesha, graveyard aggro
vin ali bug comment
leg American Blitz
mod american control bng
mod American super friends
mod American Superfriends Standard
leg Amulet combo
mod ancestor combo
sta angelic pod
vin Angus McKenzie
vin animar storm
leg another pod
vin aszusa
vin azusa redux
vin B/G Devotion
mod b/r aggro
mod B/r Discard
mod B/W Devotion
mod b/w midrange
mod bant
vin bant control frf
mod Bant devotion
vin Bant dragons
vin bant dtk
vin bant midrange bfz
vin bant walkers
vin bant walkers
vin bant walkers
mod bant walkers
mod bant walkers
vin bant walkers 2
mod battle
leg bears...BEARS
mod bg control
mod bg devotio
leg bg eldrazi
mod bg rat modern
mod bg reanimator
leg BG tortured existence
mod bg zombies m15
mod bgx midrange
mod black devotion khans
leg black green white
mod black red devotion
mod Black White Devo-Control Tokens
sta black white v2
mod blue black
mod br rack
leg Breach Reanimator
mod Budget RDW
mod budget scapeshift
vin budget sns legacy
mod bug
mod bug chord
mod bug constellation
mod Bug control bng
mod bug devotion
mod bug devotion
mod bug devotion redux
mod Bug devotion!!!!
vin BUG Dredge
sta bug dredge
leg bug dredge
mod Bug flash
mod Bug friends
mod BUG Friends BNG
sta bug kahns
mod bug midrange
mod BuG midrange
mod bug midrange
mod bug midrange
mod bug midrange ideas ktk
mod bug modern frf
mod bug modern get
leg BuG pauper
leg BW life shenanigans.
mod bwg troll
leg Clerics and Their Monsters
mod Contagious Plauge
mod Cruelty
vin EDH
leg Forest Fire Beasts
mod Jund Cruelty
leg modified Dark Ascension Spiraling Doom
mod My Shadowborn
mod Overlord
mod shadow self mill
mod Standard?
leg super budget infect
leg Trolling Vampires
mod Abzan Glare Season 6
leg Abzan Persitocrats PD - s6
leg Battle Box
mod bug phenax
mod bug post rote
mod Bug ramp
mod BUG Standard
sta bug superfriends
mod bug walkers 2.0
mod bug walkers final
vin bug walkers frf
leg bugdget
mod BURGers
leg BURN
mod bw control
mod bw devo m15
mod bw midrange
sta Cards I Need For Highlander
leg Casual Grix 2.0
mod Casual Mono Black (main build)
leg Casual Mono Black(Control Mirror)
mod casual usa
mod chromanticore
mod chromantiflayer
vin combos edh
leg Copy of 4c reanimator
mod Copy of BNG Minotaur Tribal
mod Copy of BUG Friends BNG
leg Copy of Casual Mono Black(Anti Creature Build)
mod Copy of Copy of superfriends
mod Copy of Epic Exp
mod Copy of grixis
leg Copy of infect
mod Copy of JUNK BNG REAN
mod Copy of Mono Black
mod Copy of My Kiki
leg Copy of nivix
mod Copy of Rakdos
leg Copy of red green
vin Copy of scg rug walkin
mod Copy of superfriends
vin cromat walkin
mod Cruel Budget
mod cruelties
vin cruise reanimated
leg DDD-Dimir Discard Devotion
mod deaddead
mod deadguy bbd
mod death and taxes constellation
mod dega
mod DEga
mod dega
mod dega 2014
mod dega 2014 2
mod DEGA COntrol
mod dega devotion
mod dega midrange
vin deretti
mod Devoted To Stealing Your Cards
mod dimir dev2
mod Dimir Devotion
mod discard
mod Discard m15
mod Doubling Modern
mod dragon egg
mod Dragonshift
mod draw cards
vin dredge again
vin dredge deck
vin dredge jund m15
vin EDH NEeds
sta eldrazizzle
vin elves edh
mod endless reanimator m15
vin epic experiement
vin esper control
vin esper green
mod esper mid
leg Esper mill
mod esper theros
vin Eternal Bargain
leg EVAN
mod favors from nyx
mod fb deck
vin four color walker
mod FreeWins Sam Black
mod gb constellation
mod gb constellation
mod gb devotion
mod gb midrange
vin gg
mod Golgari devotion
mod golgari devotion
mod green machine
mod green machine
vin grigrin gg
vin grim
vin grimgrin
mod grix ideas
mod grix walkin
mod grix xontrol
mod grixis
mod grixis
vin grixis
mod grixis 2014
mod grixis aggro
vin grixis artifacts
mod Grixis Bug
mod grixis control
vin grixis control
leg Grixis Control Modern
mod grixis cruelties
vin grixis delver
mod Grixis Devotion
mod grixis devotion
mod grixis dtk
mod grixis goodies
mod grixis green
mod grixis m15
mod grixis midrange
mod grixis mill
vin grixis reanimator
mod Grixis Revelation
vin grixis tiny
mod grixis walkers
mod grixis walkers 2
vin grixis walkers ktk
mod grixis?
vin grixis...
mod hoog bug walkers
mod hoog jund
mod howl combo
mod idea
mod ideas
leg If ram
mod in control
leg infect
vin Innistradstandard cards
mod intro pack
mod Invasive Jund
mod izeet usa
mod izzet control
mod izzet control real
mod Jeskai Control
mod JOU saccin
mod jund
sta jund
sta jund
mod jund
mod jund
mod jund aggro
mod jund aggro hoogl
mod jund chord
mod jund deck
mod jund devotion
mod jund dragons
mod jund dredge
mod Jund dtk
mod jund dtk?
mod jund graveyard ktk
mod jund khans
mod jund khans
mod jund land
leg jund loam
mod jund midrange frf
mod jund mod frf
mod JUND modern
leg Jund Pauper Idea
leg jund pod
mod jund reanimator
mod jund reanimator dtk
mod Jund Superfriends
mod jund superfriends
leg jund vine
mod jund walkers
mod jund walkers
mod jund walkers ktk
mod jund whip
leg Jund Whip PD s6
mod jundktk
leg jundpap
mod jundy
mod June creature base
mod junk
mod junk aggro
mod junk aristocrats modern
mod junk chords
mod junk constellation post
mod junk control
mod junk devotion
mod junk loam
mod junk loam
mod junk midrange
mod junk post rote
mod junk reanimator
mod junk reanimator dtk
mod junk reanimator m15
mod junk rock
mod junk rock v2
sta Junk stuff
mod junk tokensish
mod junk toolbox
mod junk walkers
mod junk walkers
mod junk zombies
leg Kalabalik
vin karador edh
leg kiki pod
mod kiora mazes end
mod kruphix
leg legacy rean
mod legion of doom
vin life shenanigans
leg loam deck
mod m15 aristocrats
vin maelstrom
vin maelstrom wanderer
vin maqanaless dredge
mod Mardu Nahiri
mod mardu walkers
mod marry 1.0
mod Maya tokens
mod mazes end
leg mb eldrazi
mod MBA
mod MBJ
mod medomai
mod Medomai budget
mod medomai the ageless
vin melek
leg melira pod MODERN
mod midrange
vin Mikaeus
sta mikaeus original
vin mikaeus original
vin mikkey alt
mod mill
mod mill
mod mill 2
leg Mimeoplasm
leg mimeoplasm 2014
vin mimeoplasm competitive
vin Mimeoplasm Mill
sta mimeoplasm zambeeezee
mod minotaur
mod Minotaurs
mod modern artifact control
leg modern battlepod
leg modern brwu reanimator
mod Modern Cruel
sta modern knight retreat
mod modern red green breach
mod modern rg ramp
vin modern storm
mod modern sultai frf
mod modern zombies
leg momir
mod mono b hybrid
mod Mono Dimir Devotion
mod mono green aggro
mod Mono Rakdos Devotion
mod Mono Red aggro
vin mono red commander
vin Mr steal yo girl
leg mul daya
vin My Cube
vin My current edh
mod my jund walker m15
mod My Kiki
vin My modified edh
mod my mon oblackish
vin my own burgers
sta Naya Midrange
mod Naya Midrange
leg Naya PD
mod naya superfriends
mod new bng rean
mod New Bug
leg new mike
leg Next level jund
leg nivix
vin nivix fiend
mod Norin Sisters UWR
leg oloro 1v1
vin oloro contrel
vin oloro control
mod PainSEER
mod pauper bug
mod pd - s6 Bant fog
leg pd aristocrats
vin PD Graveyard Jund
leg PD s6 Bant Junk
leg pd s6 uw control
leg PD Whip
vin power hungry
leg pro zombies
mod Prophet
mod prophet
vin proshh elves
vin proshh foodies
mod rabble grixis
mod rabble jund postr
mod radom_gen1
mod Rakdos
mod rakdos aggro
mod rakdos humans
mod random_gen2
mod Rb aggro
mod rb aggro jou
vin rb burn
mod rb midrange
mod rbg
mod RDW
mod Reanimator
mod reanimator m15
leg reanimator modern
mod Reckoner Combo
leg red black apostle
mod red devotion
leg red green
sta red greener
mod Redsplash mono black
mod reid duke
mod results may vary
vin reults may vary
mod rg aggro khans
mod rg aggro modern
mod rg devotion
sta rg devotion
mod rg devotion
mod rig cyclops
vin RIKU
vin ru fiend
mod rug
sta rug
mod rug
mod rug aggro
mod rug aggro
mod rug chord
mod rug chord khans
vin rug control again
vin rug control dtk
vin rug control Kirk
vin rug control ktk
mod rug control modern
vin rug control?
vin rug deck
mod RuG devotion
mod rug devotion
mod rug devotion 2.0
mod rug dragonshift
mod rug graveyard post
leg rug gy
vin RuG khans final
mod rug lyfe
vin rug midrange
mod rug midrange Kirk
mod rug monsters post
mod Rug monsters post rote
mod RuG Nykthos
mod rug rabble
mod rug reid duke
mod rug walkers
vin rug walkers
vin rug walkers edh
mod rug walkers post
mod rug yisan
mod rug yisan
mod rug yisan pre rotation
mod RW burn
mod rwburn
mod scapeshift
mod scg rug walkin
mod self mill
mod Shadow 2
vin shadow edh
vin Sheoldred edh
vin sidisi
leg sidisi
vin sidisi zombies
leg simic ramp
mod Slightly American
leg STAX
mod storm
sta sultai aristocrats
vin sultai control
mod sultai needs
mod sultai reanmiator
mod sulti
leg superfriends
vin surrak
leg TANK
vin tas waste
mod temur control
mod temur monsters
mod temur monsters 2
mod temur rawr
mod temur servant
vin test
vin testedh
mod thassa
sta the anima
leg the anima
mod The Fantastic Four (and friends)
mod thopter modern
vin Thrax 2
vin Thrax Actual
leg thrax walkin
vin thraxiradical
vin tiny angus
leg tiny animar
leg tiny goblins
vin tiny jund
vin tiny lands
vin tiny varolz
mod Tournament USA
vin trostani
mod u/g flash buget
vin ub control
mod UB devotion
vin ub frf control
vin ub grixis lol
vin unexpected results
vin ur control
vin ur control
vin ur control khans
vin ur control khans
mod ur devotion
mod UR devotion
vin ur pauper
mod usa burn
mod USA control
mod usa vurn
vin uwr control
vin uwr control
mod uwr control dtk
vin varloz tl
leg wanderer
mod Warriors
mod Waste not
mod watse not
mod wr burn
vin Young rabble
mod Zombie hunt
leg zombies
leg zombies 2015
vin zzzd

Name | Cost ![]() |
Forest | |
Swamp | |
Sinister Concoction | |
Bloodsoaked Champion | |
Bloodsoaked Champion | |
Cruel Edict | |
Dreg Mangler |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Swamp | |
2 | Autumnal Gloom // Ancient of the Equinox | |
3 | Forest | |
4 | Dreg Mangler | |
5 | Swamp | |
6 | Swamp |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 22 | 14 |
Percent | 61.0 | 38.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.