- JASON PRESCOTT's profile
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- Tradelist
- Wishlist
- MTG DECKS (962)
- mod5c Humans
- modAffinity
- modAzorius Control
- modBant Company
- modBant Knightfall
- modBant Spirits
- modBoros Burn
- modCounters Company
- modDevoted Devastation
- modEldrazi MycoTRON
- modForged Tempo
- modGR Land Destruct
- modGruul Destruction
- modInfect
- modIzzet Control
- modIzzet Stormy Gifts
- modJeskai Cel Control
- modJeskai Snowheeli
- modJeskai Tempo
- modJeskai Treble
- modKiki Chord
- modPuresteel 2019
- modSelsnya Company
- modSwift Burn
- modU/R Breach
- modU/R Gifts Storm
- legU/R Gifts Storm ...
- modU/R Pyromancer
- mod8 Whack
- modAll-In Shaman
- modAlly Mill
- modAura Swap
- modBant Flash
- modBant Soulherder
- modBeatdown Elves
- modBlisterburn
- modBlistering Rage
- modBlue Faeries
- modBlue Ponza
- modBoros Allies
- modBoros Legends
- modBoros Stuffy Doll
- modCobra Sahelli
- vinCrimson Storm
- modDarkstone Rain
- modDruid Tribal
- modEmeria Control
- legEmry Ascendancy
- modEnchantress
- modEpic Awakening
- modFavorable Winds
- modFruity Pebbles
- modGreen Aggro
- modGreen Devotion
- modGW Counters Company
- modGW Little Kid
- legHit Yourself Boros
- modInK Allies
- modIzzet Prowess
- modJeskai Breach
- modJeskai Flying Men
- modKeen Bogles
- modKnight of Valuetown
- modMartyr Proc
- staMono White Tokens
- modMono-Red Prowess
- modMono-White Blink
- modMonumental Quest
- modNevermore
- modPan-Meria
- modPili-Pala Combo
- modPonzamonicon
- modPool Combo
- legPossibility Storm
- modRed Burn
- modRiverwise Miracles
- modSeismic Swans
- modSimic Emerge
- vinSimic Evolve
- modStake Sisters
- modStorm the Vault
- modSwan Control
- modSwan Hunt
- modTempered Steel
- modTempered Tokens
- modTemur Void Control
- modTrading Post Tron
- modTroll Worship
- modTutelage Turbo Fog
- modUR Summonings
- modUW Monks
- modUW Spirits
- modVenser Bant
- modWeenie Whitemans
- modWildfire
- modWizard Devotion
- mod4c Midrange
- mod5c Lightbox
- modBant Aetherworks
- modBant Spirits
- modBoros Humans EX
- modBoros Midrange EX
- modBoros Walkers
- modEmergilerium
- modEmileriumergyfall
- modInfinite Energy 2.0
- modIzzet Pitch
- modIzzet Pitch 1.1
- modJeskai Blinkweaver
- modJeskai Control
- modJeskai Tempo
- modMachinegun Fever
- modMatt's Naya Aggro
- modMechaharmonicon
- modOdricland
- modRG Flingshot
- modRW Humans
- modSimic Beastcrafter
- modSimic Beastcraft ...
- modSimic Deep Ramp
- modSram Aggro
- modSram Aggro 1.1
- modSram Aggro 1.2
- modTami's ForeQuelling
- modTemur Beastcrafter
- modTemur Ramp
- modUW Spirits
- modVisions of Alchemy
- modWizards Tribal
- modWizards Tribal 1.1
- modWizards Tribal Ctrl
- modAmber Aggro
- modAzorius Approach
- modAzorius GPG
- modAzorius Historic
- staBant +1
- modBant Approach
- modBant Dubs
- modBant Midrange
- modBantflash
- modBenalish Tokens
- modBlue Paradox
- modBoros Cruisers
- modEnrage
- modGW Midrange
- modGW Midrange V2
- modHistoric Mill
- modIt is Wizards
- modJeskai Flux
- modJeskai Flux v2
- modJeskai Flux v3
- modKamahl CoCo
- modKamahl CoCo V2
- modKamahl CoCo V3
- modMono Blue Skies
- modMono-Red Jeskai
- modNabanamonicon
- modSimic Fish v6
- modSimic GPG
- modSimic KoKo
- modWhite Wand
- modWizard Prowess
- modWizard Tempo
- staAdventure March
- staAdventure Time
- staAzorious Prison
- staBant Proliferate
- staBlinking Battlement
- staBlue Dredge
- staBlue Tip Taps
- staChandra Tribal
- staFlash Aggro
- staIzzet Phoenix ELD
- staJeskai Airstrike
- staJolly Adventure
- staKiora's Gargoyle
- staLucky Phoenix
- staLucky Tokens
- staLucky Torburn
- staOketra Tempo
- staPetty Treachery
- staPhoenix Redemption
- staPretty Fly Jeskai
- staSilent Karn
- staSimic Flash
- staSimic Reclacendancy
- staSteal and Sac
- staTemur Rec
- staTwisted Bant
- staVannifar Value Town
- modAtarka Humans
- modAuraflash
- modAzourious Aggro
- modBant Clues
- modBant Humans [BBD]
- modBant Spirits
- modBant Stitch
- modBludrazi Group
- modBoros Big Burn
- modBoros Dragons
- modCrytoThopters
- modFlippin' Wolves
- modFormation Sigarda
- modIzzet Draggro
- vinIzzet Eldrazis 2.0
- modJeskai Dragons
- modJeskai Dragons 1.1
- modJeskai Moon
- modJeskai Moon (Har ...
- modMardu Control
- modMy Tentacle Roma ...
- modNahiri Brisela
- modNaya CoCo Humans
- modNaya Planeswalkers
- modNoose Crusher
- modOjutai Watching 2.0
- modSelesnya CoCoMan
- modStartled Prison
- modStartling Jeskai
- modTemurge
- modThermo Thing (Ca ...
- modThing in the Bed
- modUlamog's Soul
- modUR Emerge
- modUR Prowess
- sta5c Artifacts
- staArclight Wizards
- staBoros Control
- staBoros Goblins
- staBoros Path
- staDeeproot Ctrl
- staDino Control
- staDunkin' Dinos
- staElves of Ruetz
- staFamished Control
- staFires of Jaya
- staGreedy Selesnya
- staIzzet Aggro
- staIzzet Amulet
- staIzzet Drakes
- staJeskai Artifacts
- staMurmring Visitation
- staNaya Cocaine
- staRisky Wizards
- staSelesnya Tokens
- staSelesnya Tokens v2
- modSimic Ascend
- staSimic Fish v7
- staSoldier Tribal
- staSome like it Huatli
- staSplitter Trix
- staStorm
- staTreasure Control
- staWeenie White
- staWizard's Beam
- modBant Crush 2.0
- modBant Crush 2.1
- modBant Spirits 3.0
- modBant Spirits 4.0
- modBantmans
- modEquestrian Overrun
- modGlorious Gideon
- modIzzet Aggro
- modIzzet Pitch 1.2
- modIzzet Pitch 2.0
- modIzzet Spellslinger
- modIzzet too soon?
- modJeskai GPG
- modJeskai Slinger
- modJeskai Slinger 1.1
- modKill n' Mill
- modLocust Nahiri
- modLocust Nahiri 1.1
- modLocust Nahiri 1.2
- modMatt's Naya Gods
- modMill
- modNegative Minus -1.1
- modRamanup Red
- modRevolting Auramog
- modRG Ramp
- modSolemTiTi
- modTemur Aggro
- modTemur Energy
- modToken Allies
- modTribal Thopters
- modUW Embalmalize
- modWU Zombies
- modBant Rites
- staBoros Spellz
- modBrain Evolution
- modCollosus Aggro
- staDevoted Oracle
- modGW HuMods+
- modGW Midrange
- modGW Tokens
- modHarmonic Light
- staIzzet Spells
- modJeskai Control
- modMad Vampires
- modMatt's Token Rush
- modRU Mad Vamps
- modRW Equip
- modSelesnya Clues
- staStick and Move v2
- staTarget Practice
- modTemur Energy
- modUR CtrlHulkDel
- modUW Wlinks
- staWizards Toolkit
- staWizards Toolkit v2
- modWR Humans
- mod8 Bolt Flame
- modaNdV's Mooks
- modAnimated Workshop
- modAzorius Eternal
- modCascade Creativity
- modDragon Burn
- modElvish Rally
- modFatties Unsealed
- modFiresun Burn
- modGideon Jeskai
- modGutter Burn
- modHaven's Gate
- modIzzet Historic
- modIzzet Historic V2
- modJeskai Control
- modJeskai Control v2.1
- modKeld Burn
- modOn My Cycle
- modRhada Elves
- modTefoggy
- modTemur Energy
- modTemur Energy '19
- modTetsuko's Spunks
- modTraxos Unsealed
- modWizard's Conjecture
- staAbundant Elves
- staAngels of a Feather
- staArcane Dinos
- staBant Hero
- staBant Ramp
- staBant Scapeshift
- staBant Value Town
- staBig Red Inferno
- staBlood Lotus
- staBloody Red
- staBlugin's Revalation
- staDrawn from Fate
- staElementaly My Dear
- staFeather Aggro
- staFly Spirits
- staGruul Unsealing
- staGruul Walkers
- staHemoglobin Friends
- staInfinite Bant
- staInfinite Kykar
- staInfinite Ral
- staIzzet Phoenix
- staIzzet Phoenix v2
- staJeskai Phoenix
- staLifeforce Pride
- staLotus Flame
- staMu's First Law
- staNaya Suckerpunch
- staNexus Elementals
- staRalverberation
- staReefer Mill
- staShifty Hydras
- staSimic Ambush
- staSimic Deadshift
- staSimic Yoink
- staSlippery Spirits
- staSylvan Roar
- staTamiyo Phoenix
- staTurbo Sky's Blade
- staWeatherlight
- modAlesha's Allies
- vinAscendancy Combo
- vinAzorius Awaken
- vinAzorius Awaken 1.1
- vinAzourius Planes
- vinBant Aggro
- modBant Company
- vinBant Disruption 1.2
- vinBant Midrange
- vinBant Morph
- vinBantchantment
- vinBantland Allies 1.3
- vinBellows of Temur
- modBoros Ally Equip
- modBoros Prowess
- vinFormation X
- modGoblins & Dragons
- vinIzzet Eldrazi
- vinJeskai ABC
- vinJeskai Ascendanc ...
- vinJeskai Dragons
- vinJeskai Happiness
- vinJeskai Soulfire
- vinJeskai Tokens
- vinJeskai Tokens 1.2
- vinJeskai Whacker
- vinNarset's Heros
- modNaya Warriors 1.2
- modOblivion Bant
- vinPhryed
- modRG Dragons
- modSelesnya +1.1
- modShoulder to Shou ...
- modTemur Heroes
- vinTemurai
- modThopter Madness
- vinWU Supertokens
- modAggrosaurous
- modBlue Steel
- modFish out of Water
- modGW Catfish
- modIzzet a Riddle
- modIzzet Hollows
- modIzzet Hollows v2
- modIzzet Pirates
- modJeskai Aggro
- modJeskai Hollows
- modKensuke Red
- modMerfolks
- modRed Mettle
- modRG Energy
- modSimic Fish
- modSimic Fish v2
- modSimic Fish v4
- modSimic Fish v5
- modSramchantress
- modTemur Prowess
- modWU Bogles
- sta4c Smothering Storm
- staArcades Ctrl
- staArclight Amulet
- staBant Blackblade
- staBant Merfolks
- staBant Prime
- staBant Tokens
- staBenthic Army
- staButchered Punisher
- staGoblin Calamity
- staGod Bless America
- staIzzet Drakes
- staJelly Dragon
- staJeskai Control
- staJeskai Control [JH]
- staJeskai Drakes
- staJeskai Reforged
- staMirror Wizards
- staNaya Angels
- staNaya Enrage
- staParun Gateway
- staSimic Flash
- staSimic Oozcendancy
- staSimic Theives
- staStormin Norman
- staTake it Oozy
- staTake it Oozy v2
- staTemur Reclamation
- staThop Thop
- staTy Boros
- staUrzarcades
- modUW Skies
- staWalls of Arcades
- mod4c Crush
- modBantland Allies 1.4
- modBig RG
- modBoros Goggles
- modCrytoThopter
- modDragon Rites
- modEldrazi Red
- modFormation X
- modGRoggles Ramp
- modGW Dragons
- modGW Human Warriors
- modInfinity Plus One
- modJeskai Artificer
- modMono-Blue Ramp
- modMorph
- modNaya Aggro
- modOmnath
- modRG Wolves 2.0
- modRW Humans
- modSelesnya Warriors
- modStarled Tutu
- modTemur Walkers
- modUR Bounce Control
- modUR Dragons
- modUR Eldrazi Control
- modWhite is Rite
- modWU Aggro
- sta1000 Year Breach
- staAdapt Aggro
- staArchlight Breach
- staArmed Assembly
- staBant Flash
- staBant Hero v2
- staElephant Combo
- staFive Ton Truckers
- staIzzet Aggro
- staJeskai Flash
- staJeskai Hero
- staJeskai Hero v2
- staMirrorblade
- staOracle Combo
- staPhoenix Breach
- staPhoenix Phinale
- staPolar Hate Bears
- staSea Monkies
- staSelfmill Combo
- staSetessan Rampion
- staSimic Flash Tempo
- staSmurfy Mill
- staSuper Acquaintances
- staSuper Swap Meet
- staTenta-mill
- staTrebuchet Circle
- staTwist of Grace
- staUltimate Emblems
- staUltimate Emblems v2
- staWalkers Rouge
- staWinds
- staArcades Alert
- staAzorious Aggro
- staBant Midrange
- staBant Midrange v2
- staBant Miracle Gro
- staBant Vannifar
- staExpliferate
- staIzzet Spells
- staIzzet We Friends
- staJeskai Feather
- staJeskai Goodfriends
- staMattketra
- staNaruform Combo
- staNiv Reborn Hero
- modOketra Bant
- staProlELFeration
- staProliferendancy
- staReversal Friends
- staSelesnya Blackblade
- staSelesnya Tokens
- staSimic Neoramp
- staSimic Proliferate
- staSimic Swindle
- staSundering Saheeli
- staTami's Wild Dragon
- staTemur Neoform
- staTwisted Gruul
- staZarek Infinite
- othCards for Sale Only
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This deck was created on 30-Jan-2017 10:05, and it was last updated on 19-Mar-2017 21:42.
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# | Name | Cost |
1 | Forest | |
2 | Cryptolith Rite | |
3 | Loam Dryad | |
4 | Bomat Courier | |
5 | Loam Dryad | |
6 | Forest |