KBRIGHT's profile
- MTG DECKS (287)
40-card Precons
sta Dovin Brawl [ELD]
his Historic Dovin [THB]
sta Modified Brawl Precon
Finished Decks
com $50 Tasigur
leg 60-card Inverse EDH (Khalid)
leg Indiana Jones - Secret Santa
leg Oathbreaker Ral
leg Partner EDH (Ruric Thar)
leg Partnered EDH (Kambal)
com PDH RW Go-Wide
com Quint - Final IRL
com RG Hand Size
com RG Hand Size 2.1
Unbuilt But Finished
com $200 Tasigur
com Daxos Tempo v2
com Daxos Tempo v3
com Izzet Discard EDH [ELD]
com Licia Enchantments EDH
com Odric Historic v2.3
com Quintorius EDH
Unfinished Decks
Jori En 2.0
sta Copy of Jori En Mana
com Jori En 2.0
com Jori En Mana
Quintorius CMD
sta Quint - All
sta Quint - Auras
com Quint - Mana
com Quint - Working
RG Hand Size
com Daxos Tempo
com Odric EDH manabase
com RW Punisher Tax
Cube & Cube-likes
mod '19v2: Black
sta '19v2: Blue
sta '19v2: Colorless
mod '19v2: Gold
leg '19v2: Green
leg '19v2: Lands
leg '19v2: Mythics/Rares
leg '19v2: Red
leg '19v2: White
2019 Cube (v1)
oth 2019 Cube
leg 2019 Cube - B
sta 2019 Cube - Colorless
leg 2019 Cube - Gold
sta 2019 Cube - U
leg 2019 Cube - W
2HG Cube
mod 2HG Black
leg 2HG Combos
leg 2HG Gold (commons/uncommons)
2HG Cube (v2.1)
2HG Cube (v2)
cub 2HG Black
cub 2HG Blue
cub 2HG Colorless
sta 2HG cool cards
cub 2HG Gold
cub 2HG Green
sta 2HG Red
sta 2HG Severe Monocolor
cub 2HG White
leg 2-player Miniature Battle Box
leg 2HG Cube
leg Dominaria Cube Additions
cub Standard'17-18 Battlebox
his Artifact Ramp
his Bad idea
sta Bad Idea (energyless)
his Collected Conjuring
his Copy of Bad idea
sta Copy of BR Pirates v3
his Copy of Path of Mettle Brew
sta Copy of Rakdos Pirates v3
sta Grixis Coco
his Historic Buuuurn
leg Historic Crew
his Historic Historic
his Historic Speeells
his Path of Mettle Brew
his UW Ascend
his UWB combo
Meta Decks
sta Goblins
his Rakdos Sacrifice
sta UG
sta Uro Midrange
his Quintorius Historic Brawl
Modern Ideas
Multiplayer Brawl
mod Baird Multiplayer
mod Dimir Lich's Brawl
mod Lich's Mastery Multiplayer Brawl
mod Marwyn irl
mod Valduk irl
mod Cycling Pauper
mod Standard Pauper Burn
mod Standard Pauper?
mod BR Pirates (base)
mod Grixis Flash Pirates
leg Keld Prowess
pio Mono-Black Devotion
leg Mono-R Spectacle Prowess
leg Rakdos Crew
mod RG Prowess
mod UB Pirate Tempo?
leg UR Proliferate Pirates???
leg UW Naban
GRN Standard
Arclight Control
sta Ascend
sta Bad Land Destruction
sta Birds Forever
sta Cheap Boros Fliers
sta Copy of Arclight Control (12-02-18)
sta Devious Cover-up Control
sta Dino Ramp
sta Dino Ramp (Arena)
sta Drake Control
sta Drowned in Secrets Mill
sta Field Drakes
sta Firemind's Precognizance
sta Flicker Wolf
sta Fliers
sta Frenzied Auras
sta Gravitic Blackblade
sta GW Auras
sta Haphazard Control
sta Izzet Control > Phoenixes
sta Jace Tokens
sta Jeskai Cantrip Phoenix
sta Kamahl's Undergrowth
sta Lotleth Naban
sta Mono-black Desecrated Tomb
vin Mono-blue tokens
sta Numot's Storm Pillage
sta Omnispell Apex
sta parting chill
sta Phoenix Extinction
sta Precognition Arclight v?
sta Precognition Control
sta Precognition Research
sta Precognition Tempo
sta Quasiduplicate
sta Rowdy Bone Crew (GRN)
sta Sarkhan's Unsealing
sta Sarkhan's Unsealing
sta Self-Damage
sta Spell Ramp
sta Token Explore
sta Truefire Extinction
sta Unblockable Mentor
sta UR Creature Burn
sta UR Wizards
sta URB Surveil
sta WR Auras (Testing)
M19 Standard
mod 5-Color Dragons
mod Historic Tempo (Arena)
leg marwyn standard elf ramp
sta Mono-black Thran's Gateway Mastery??? (Rotation Proof???)
mod Mono-blue Unblockable Tempo
mod standard wizards
mod Thran-Fall (mtgo)
mod UB Mill (Arena)
mod UB Mill (MTGO)
mod Unblockable Bone Dragon Crew
mod UW Unblockable Mill
M20 Standard
sta BR Aggro
sta BR Discard
sta BR Pirates v3
sta Copy of Ascend Fliers
sta Flash Merfolk (M20)
sta Giant Monsters
sta M20 BR Pirates v1
sta UR Evasive Ramp
RNA Standard
sta Bankrupt Phoenix
sta Bant Phoenix
sta Burn
sta Copy of Lazav Saprolings
sta Lazav Saprolings
sta Mirror March
sta Sarkhan's Unsealing
sta Simic Phoenix
sta Spells!
sta Temur Spells
sta Unsealed Drakes
sta Vorthos.dek
WAR Standard
sta [WAR] Sarkhan's Unsealing
sta Ascend Fliers
sta Bant Ascend
sta Bant Midrange
sta Costly Phoenix
sta Counters!!! Merfolk
sta Flash Merfolk
sta Izzet Tempo
sta Oops All Spells
sta Rakdos Pirates
sta Rakdos Pirates v2
his Rakdos Pirates v3
sta Rav Constructed Bankrupt Phoenix
sta RAV Constructed Dredge
sta Saheeli Tron
ELD Standard
sta Arclight Alliance Bo1
sta Bankrupt Phoenix [Standard 20]
sta Boros Beatdown [ELD]
sta Boros Midrange [ELD]
sta BR Aggro [ELD]
sta BR Standard 2020
sta Copy of Boros Beatdown [ELD]
vin Copy of Spellslinger EDH
sta GW Huatli
sta Naya Beatdown (Gruul) [ELD]
sta Naya Tokens [ELD]
sta Naya Visitation [ELD]
sta Outlaw's Visitation [ELD]
sta speeeellls
sta Temur Phoenix [ELD]
sta UR Proliferate
sta Vindicator Beatdown [ELD]
IKO Standard
pio Izzet Bolts [IKO]
sta Izzet Flash [IKO]
sta Jeskai Hand Size
sta Temur Lutri
M21 Standard
sta Copy of Izzet Flash Test [M21]
sta counters
sta Izzet Flash[M21]
sta Izzet Spells
sta UW Lifegain Aggro
THB Standard
sta Daxos High Alert
sta Diviner's Lockbox?
sta Izzet Flash [THB]
sta Pteramander Flash [THB]
AFR Standard
KHM Standard
sta BW Lifegain
sta BW Tokens
sta Colossal Farming
sta Izzet Flash [KHM]
sta Izzet Misery
sta Jank Infinite Combo
sta Totski
sta Yorion Runes
sta Yorion Runes (EdburyR)
STX Standard
sta BW Exile
sta BW Tokens
sta Copy of BW Tokens
sta Copy of WR Speeeells
sta Dramatic Finale
sta GW Counters
sta Izzet Tempo [STX]
sta Jank Combo - Strixhaven
sta WR Speeeells
ZNR Standard
sta Big Red
sta Copy of Selesnya Counters
sta Copy of Selesnya Non-Humans
sta Draw-2 Prowess
sta Gruul Non-Humans
sta GW Equipment Landfall
sta Mardu Reanimator
sta Nonhuman Payoffs
sta Selesnya Counters
sta Selesnya Counters
sta Selesnya Non-Humans
sta UR draw-2 copy-spells
sta ZNR Lifegain
sta ZNR Lifegain 2
MID Standard
sta UW Tempo?
sta Penny Dreadful Prowess

Name | Cost ![]() |
Swamp | |
Isolated Chapel | |
Treasure Map // Treasure Cove | |
Cataclysmic Gearhulk | |
Tetzimoc, Primal Death | |
Lich's Mastery | |
Never // Return | // |
Next cards in your library
# | Name | Cost |
1 | Mentor of the Meek | |
2 | The Eldest Reborn | |
3 | Daybreak Chaplain | |
4 | Twilight Prophet | |
5 | Razaketh's Rite | |
6 | Plains |
Mana Base
Colors | ||
Symbols | 37 | 10 |
Percent | 78.0 | 21.0 |
Lands |
Symbols represent the number of times each mana symbol is present on the casting cost of all the cards in this deck.
Hybrid mana is counted as 0.5 for each color.
After deciding on the number of basic lands in your deck, type that number in the Lands textbox and press enter. The last row
will give you a proportionally correct number of lands for each color.
Please note that this calculation does not take into account cards that you will play without paying their cost
(like Veinfire Borderpost).
Please take it as a general guideline, and adapt it to your deck type.