Type: Deck Idea
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Avg. CMC 2.92
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 17 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (23)
3 Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice
$1.09 Legendary Creature - Angel
4 Legion Warboss
$0.64 Creature - Goblin Soldier
4 Sky Terror
$0.14 Creature - Dinosaur
4 Swiftblade Vindicator
$0.23 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Tajic, Legion's Edge
$0.20 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
4 Torch Courier
$0.11 Creature - Goblin
Instant (11)
4 Integrity // Intervention
$0.09 Instant // Instant //
2 Response // Resurgence
$0.26 Instant // Sorcery //
3 Risk Factor
$0.58 Instant
2 Run Amok
$0.04 Instant
Sorcery (2)
2 Maximize Velocity
$0.05 Sorcery
Enchantment (4)
2 Experimental Frenzy
$0.14 Enchantment
2 Legion's Landing // Adanto, the First Fort
$4.50 Legendary Enchantment // Legendary Land
Land (20)
4 Clifftop Retreat
$0.72 Land
8 Mountain
$0.11 Basic Land - Mountain
4 Plains
$0.06 Basic Land - Plains
4 Sacred Foundry
$17.43 Land - Mountain Plains
Sideboard - 15 cards, 6 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Instant (10)
2 Justice Strike
$0.19 Instant
4 Lightning Strike
$0.17 Instant
4 Shock
$0.03 Instant
Sorcery (4)
2 Banefire
$0.60 Sorcery
2 Slaughter the Strong
$0.16 Sorcery
Enchantment (1)
1 Path of Mettle // Metzali, Tower of Triumph
$0.25 Legendary Enchantment // Legendary Land

  • Adam Haggerty | 10-Oct-2018 16:50
    I like it, would love to see how it plays out. The lis looks pretty clean, but I'm not sure about the "bring in burn" plan. I get what your saying, but not sure if gives you dramatically different results as shock is just a little sad. Food for thought, your whole decks red. What about changing some number of sky terror and torch courier for Runaway Steam Kin? It works really well with all your pump spells, as it will never predictably be any size, and can let you free-roll spells like legion warbos, Risk factor, or even aurelia to costing a single W. Your list also can play experimental frenzy profitably, so it should. It's busted. It could be a two of in the sideboard plus a couple land for the higher curve. With selesnya being such a well performing deck, no path to mettle? 

    And on a tangent, Slaughter the Strong and Arcades!!! It's a one sided board wipe most of the time!
    • Christopher | 10-Oct-2018 16:56
      I like steam-kin in place of sky terror, but I know the flyers have been surprisingly helpful, especially when I can double pump it with Aurelia on turn 4. I am admittedly nervous about shifting to a more red-less white focus purely because swiftblade pretty much has to come down as soon as it can.

      Really my bring in burn plan is mostly because game 2 they bring in extra removal and I get slowed way the hell down. so instead fuck it, I go to face.  I don't NEED a creature to use lightningh strike, I DO need a creature to cast sure strike...
      Had path to mettle, subbed it out in this build but can put back.  I have two in my irl sideboard.  Wasn't helpful last week, bad reason to take it out, I know.  But that was why I did. 
      • Adam Haggerty | 10-Oct-2018 18:06
        You don't have to run a diferent manabase to put steam kin in, but I see your point about flying. I know you your subbing out combat tricks for burn because of removal, but the burn is not going to reach as much as the combat tricks. I think it's better to side more threats in, to make their removal more spread out. Experimental Frenzy basically says you don't stop dropping threats ever. They will need to board wipe almost every turn. Similarly, siding in lands and rekindling pheonix taxes removal.  You'll have to try it out to see if your sideboard plan gives you the reach you need to close the game. With four risk factor, it might be enough, and if it is, it's a great plan.
        • Christopher | 10-Oct-2018 18:17
          I like the idea of trying Experimental Frenzy, I totaly see the value in that card speeding the crap outta my deck, what do I sub it for? do I just put 2 in my sideboard and swap them with 2 rf? or do I mainboard them for.... what? Aurelia so I don't stumble? I am nervous about what to do to make my deck as efficient with it, which is why I left it off. Love the idea of it and am totally willing to try sooo help!
          • Adam Haggerty | 10-Oct-2018 19:27
            I'd start by -1 Aurelia, -1 Risk Factor main and adding two Experimental Frenzy and just try it out. You can adjust the numbers after you get a feel for it. Basically you don't need to see it every game, but if the game goes longer and it's the last card in your hand after you blow your load, or you top deck into it, you just start casting infinite cards, so it's perfect "go over the top" for a deck like yours that can cast everything on your turn profitably. Risk factor is also sweet because you can still cast it from your graveyard for a card (land) locked in your hand. They let you draw three, and once your hand is full of gas you just blow up the experiment. It should also make a torch bearer better, as you get just get athreat off the top your deck. If it feels clunky, you can adjust the numbers, or add 1-2 land. 
            • Christopher | 10-Oct-2018 19:31
              Cool! I'ma try it out tomorrow and report back!

              Errr... I will if anyone has a copy I can borrow? lol I only have 1...
              • Adam Haggerty | 10-Oct-2018 19:32
                Sorry Compadre, I don't have any. Fredo?
  • Adam Haggerty | 01-Oct-2018 17:36
    I have a legion warboss, a Aurelia, 2 Goblin Banneret, 1 swiftblade vindicator, 1 risk factor, 2 torch courier. I think torch courier is bad, most of your cards have haste anyway. Boros Challenger seems better main, and you need more two drops, or less three drops, whichever way you want to. Your kind of split between super low to the ground and slightly midrange, need to pick a side. I like your variety of pump spells, I would play response over some number of Sure strike/justice strike. It can hit creatures that fall between the two, and the relentless assault mode can just end the game on a key turn. That's my thoughts! 
    • Adam Haggerty | 01-Oct-2018 17:59
      Also consider path of mettle in the side against the tokens/llanowar elves matchups. You might have enough creatures to flip it, so two of in the side is sweet. I have 2.
      • Christopher | 01-Oct-2018 18:55
        Love it. 100% yes.
    • Christopher | 01-Oct-2018 18:12
      Torch courier is SOOO huge when I can use it to:
      a. haste vindicator on turn 2 instead of letting them drop a 2-3 drop that I can't get around
      b. When on turn 3 I get a legion warboss with haste that instantly mentors my swiftblade or my banneret
      c. Aurelia bringing herself in with Haste is amazeballs
      d. gives me early game damage that they might waste a spell or two trying to kill.
      maybe I'm wrong, but I wanna playtest with it and see if it's that bad. Had lots of success with him in sealed though.

      I like the challenger, had him main but I swapped him for the banneret because that is easier to get a full mentor off since he pumps to 3 power with just 2 mana. I agree about the cmc's though. and hopefully I made it better.

      Do you think I should try to run more copies of tajic or aurelia? I truly think 2 of each is solid but maybe I'm too optimistic?
      • Adam Haggerty | 01-Oct-2018 18:39
        Nice, I like your additions! Sky Terror is actually really great, especially with your combat tricks. Virtually unblockable, and will be such a blowout if they throw things in front of it while you have a sure strike. With Mentor, it actually might be just better than the boros challenger. I hear what your saying about the Torch courier, and it definitely might give you game in mirrors too. I look forward to get your thoughts when you test it. Definitely needs to be sideboarded out on the draw, as it will be hard to utilize at a disadvantage. In a similar vein, consider maximize velocity. Can be 1-3 of your pump spells, does a similar effect, gives you use of your extra lands in the late game like risk factor does, works better with mentor.

        Tagic and Aurelia are probably the best cards in your deck. They will attract all the removal from your opponent. Having extra copies then are more attractive as the best top deck after they kill one is to get another. And you don't have a lot of card draw/selection so it's not super likely that you will flood on a legend. 
        • Adam Haggerty | 01-Oct-2018 18:42
          Also citywide bust could go into the sideboard if you need more slots. Great against green stompy, bad against Boros, Tokens, and ok against Golgari.
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