Type: Deck Idea
Format (legal 👍)
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Card Color Breakdown
Card Type Breakdown

releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 8 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Sorcery (4)
4 Treasure Hunt
$0.11 Sorcery
Enchantment (2)
2 Zombie Infestation
$0.08 Enchantment
Land (54)
4 Contested War Zone
$0.17 Land
3 Dismal Backwater
$0.07 Land
3 Faerie Conclave
$0.66 Land
22 Island
$0.14 Basic Land - Island
4 Reliquary Tower
$2.49 Land
18 Swamp
$1.43 Basic Land - Swamp
Sideboard - 15 cards, 3 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Instant (4)
4 Dispel
$0.39 Instant
Sorcery (4)
4 Duress
$0.05 Sorcery
Land (7)
7 Island
$0.14 Basic Land - Island

  • MutableTomcat02 | 25-Mar-2019 16:11

    1. Ideal hands have 1 Reliquary
    Tower and Treasure Hunt. You can mulligan down pretty far to at
    least get a Treasure Hunt.

    2. Cast Treasure Hunt until you get to a Zombie
    Infestation . Discard 12-20 lands. Swing Zombies to victory.

    Reliquary Tower is important to avoiding board wipes. It
    lets you drop your massive horde at the end of your opponent's turn, and then
    you win.


    First off, this is probably the most hilarious deck I've ever
    played. While one of the downsides of Magic Online is that you can't actually
    see your opponents face, I have to imagine there are some good ones. While
    our opponents are playing "good cards," we are trying to draw 37 cards
    for two mana with Treasure Hunt and than win with a horde of zombie
    tokens from Zombie Infestation.

    We also get to play the fun mini-game every time we draw our
    opening hand. Since the first rule of Zombie Hunt is that you can't keep a
    hand without Treasure Hunt, we literally have to mulligan to one to find
    it. Thankfully the odds are heavily in favor of us hitting one
    eventually — the odds are ~86.5%, which means we should only whiff one
    out of every 7-7.5 games. 

    Once we mulligan into our Treasure Hunt, we play another
    mini-game called "does our opponent have
    a Thoughtseize or a counterspell" which heightens the
    drama of the entire situation. Assuming we actually get to cast and
    resolve Treasure Hunt, we are usually golden and proceed to trample
    over our opponent in a turn or two. 

    Other Notes

    The only way I can think of improving the deck is by adding more
    powerful lands, although I'm really not sure what these might be. I
    tested Creeping Tar Pit and found that manlands are rarely relevant
    (although playing five-color Zombie Hunt with 40+ manlands might be an

    The sideboard might as well be blank. I tried bringing
    in Duress and Dispel to
    combat counterspells but found that they weaken our Treasure Hunts
    too much. The only way for the deck to work is for every Treasure
    Hunt to hit another Treasure Hunt or a Zombie
    Infestation. Sideboarding any non-lands spells ruins this plan. 

    Boseiju, Who Shelters All might be a good way to fight
    through counterspells. Since we have so many free land slots,
    there's little reason not to give it a shot. 

    Don't cast Treasure Hunt on turn
    two unless you have a Reliquary Tower or you'll end up
    discarding your hand. However, casting it on turn three and hoping to hit
    a Reliquary Tower is perfectly acceptable. 

    Beware of Ghost Quarter hitting your Reliquary
    Tower. If your opponent is leaving it up, wait another turn before casting
    your Treasure Hunt so you can play either a second copy
    of Reliquary Tower or a Zombie Infestation. 

    There is another build of this deck that uses Seismic
    Assault as the win condition rather than Zombie Infestation. While
    I'm not sure which is better (Seismic Assult kills faster and doesn't
    require creatures, but Zombie Infestation is much easier to
    cast), Zombie Infestation is definitely the more budget-friendly
    version since casting the triple-red Seismic Assult requires a
    decent amount of dual lands. 


    Honestly, I wouldn't recommend Zombie Hunt as your primary
    Modern deck; it's just too inconsistent. However I highly
    recommend building it and adding it to your Modern rotation. It is so
    inexpensive that you really need to try it out at least once, and I would
    certainly take it to an FNM level event or play it on the kitchen
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