Type: Deck Idea
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Avg. CMC 3.33
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 40 cards, 21 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (17)
1 Air Elemental
$0.06 Creature - Elemental
1 Atemsis, All-Seeing
$0.27 Legendary Creature - Sphinx
2 Boreal Elemental
$0.03 Creature - Elemental
1 Brightwood Tracker
$0.02 Creature - Elf Scout
1 Ferocious Pup
$0.07 Creature - Wolf
2 Frost Lynx
$0.04 Creature - Elemental Cat
1 Greenwood Sentinel
$0.05 Creature - Elf Scout
1 Howling Giant
$0.05 Creature - Giant Druid
1 Leafkin Druid
$0.13 Creature - Elemental Druid
1 Netcaster Spider
$0.04 Creature - Spider
2 Octoprophet
$0.05 Creature - Octopus
1 Silverback Shaman
$0.05 Creature - Ape Shaman
1 Warden of Evos Isle
$0.08 Creature - Bird Wizard
1 Woodland Champion
$0.11 Creature - Elf Scout
Instant (3)
2 Might of the Masses
$0.04 Instant
1 Unsummon
$0.07 Instant
Sorcery (1)
1 Rabid Bite
$0.03 Sorcery
Artifact (2)
2 Vial of Dragonfire
$0.02 Artifact
Land (17)
7 Forest
$0.13 Basic Land - Forest
8 Island
$0.13 Basic Land - Island
2 Thornwood Falls
$0.05 Land
Sideboard - 20 cards, 17 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (12)
1 Faerie Miscreant
$0.06 Creature - Faerie Rogue
3 Fortress Crab
$0.02 Creature - Crab
1 Glint-Horn Buccaneer
$5.33 Creature - Minotaur Pirate
1 Goblin Bird-Grabber
$0.05 Creature - Goblin
1 Keldon Raider
$0.03 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Ripscale Predator
$0.02 Creature - Dinosaur
2 Sage's Row Denizen
$0.04 Creature - Vedalken Wizard
1 Stone Golem
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Vengeful Warchief
$0.02 Creature - Orc Warrior
Instant (3)
1 Growth Cycle
$0.04 Instant
1 Murder
$0.03 Instant
1 Natural End
$0.02 Instant
Artifact (2)
1 Heart-Piercer Bow
$0.03 Artifact - Equipment
1 Vial of Dragonfire
$0.02 Artifact
Enchantment (2)
1 Pacifism
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Zephyr Charge
$0.03 Enchantment
Land (1)
1 Forest
$0.13 Basic Land - Forest
Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
Cards in the scratchpad represent cards that you are considering for this deck, but are not actually in the built deck. They do not count towards the in built decks count shown in your inventory. If you are using the Auto Trade feature, they will be still be marked for trade although cards in your main deck and sideboard will not.
No cards here. :(

1-1-1 - Wrecked first game (2nd game kept 5 nonlands inc leafkin, 1 land on mull to 6) and didn't draw lands. 2nd game played slow and got confused vs 2 Chandra's in final game and drew the match. Then went 2-0 final round, won 1 pack. At Thirsty Dice, 6 players total.
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